chapter 1 - family

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Hiii, before I start, I just want to say please be grammar police in this. I want to make this story as grammatically correct as possible. Thank you <3



Your family was once well off, until the day Frieza came when you were ten. Your father tried to fight but to no avail.

Your family was waiting for him to come home, but he never did. After, it was you, your older brother Tomate, and your mother, Eshallot.

"Tomate, please! Spar with me! I need to get stronger for the tournament!" I said pleading

Tómate stood up with a hint of anger on his face. "Woah woah woah. You can't enter that y/n! You'll get crushed!" He put his hands on his hips and shook his head.

"Please tomate I have to. Mom has been working non-stop for 8 years trying to provide for us. We need this prize money or who knows what will happen!" I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"I don't know..." He walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Y/n, I think it's too dangerous. You aren't ready yet, can't you wait until next year?"

I took his hand off my shoulder, "No!" I yelled, walking away "We need this money and I'm going to get it! Now spar with me!" I said loudly, walking to the backyard and holding the door open for him, motioning him to come outside.

"Fine fine. Give me a minute." My big brother walked to his room and I went outside to stretch.

Ugh...What is taking him so long?

Tomate jumped down the crooked wooden stairs, "Okay! I'm ready!" He said as he double-knotted his purple gi.

I got into the fighting stance he taught me. For 8 years he has been training me how to fight, Tómate thinks I don't have the mindset to fight because all I focus on is anger, which causes my technique to get sloppy. I need to fix this before next week.

"Okay, first we need to... GO!" I yelled, charging him as I caught him off guard. I went for a punch to his stomach but he dodged and kneed me in my chest. I fell to the ground as the wind was knocked out of me, but I quickly got back up and charged at him again. I faked going for his face but when he tried to block it I landed a kick straight to his stomach.

"Ow! Y/n, no fair! That wasn't very nice" Tómate said as he grabbed his stomach.

"Aww did I hurt my big brother?" I smiled as I took my fighting stance again.

"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be? You better watch out then!" He started to run at me but at the last second jumped over me and hit me straight in the back.

"That's what you're going to watch out for when you're in the tournament" Tómate lifted his eyebrows and stared down at me smiling.


I don't know how long we trained for, but eventually, it started to get dark. When we walked inside we saw our mom cooking dinner.

"Mom! Hi!" I ran up to her and hugged her.

"Hi y/n!" She put her arm around me and laughed.

"Ew, you guys stink! Wash up before dinner, no stinky kids at my dinner table!" She laughed as she pointed her spatula at us.

I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the water, stepping in after taking off my (f/c) gi and found it was still cold.

Cold water this month again. Oh well.

I sighed as I took a quick shower, hopping around the water to make sure I wouldn't freeze.


"Soooo mom..." I said as I glanced at Tómate, him giving me a reassuring slow nod.

"What is it y/n?" She looked up at me with an eyebrow raised.

I tried to talk but I was too nervous, she never liked the idea of us fighting because of what happened to our father years ago.

"Y/n is going to fight in the tournament!" Tómate said.

"Y/n, listen..." She put her elbows on the table "You know how I feel about you fighting, Sparring with your brother is fine but, I just don't know.." She put her face in her hands and sighed.

"Mom, I know. But we need the prize money. You've been working so hard and deserve a break." I looked at my mom while worry was all over her face.

"Honey I-I don't know.."

"Mom." He continued after she looked up, "You need to rest and take a break. I can tell your body is hurting and it's not good for you, Please just give Y/n a chance. You see how she fights and trains with me, she will do good. I promise" He said as he put his arm out to hold her hand.

Didn't he just say I'd get crushed?

"Y/n," My mother said as she put her long black hair behind her ears, "Just please be careful, I can't lose you too." She looked down and sniffled.

I felt the tears coming to my eyes as I set my fork down. "Mom, I promise, nothing is going to happen. Okay?" I tried to sound normal, not wanting my mother to start crying more.

She gave me a half smile, "Okay." She sighed and wiped the tears from her eyes.

One week later...

I made sure to wake up extra early today so I could eat breakfast and have one last training session with my brother to work on my technique.

"Okay y/n, just focus. Keep rage out of your mind and only focus on technique." My brother put his hands up so I could punch into them. I started slowly so I get the feel of things instead of going full force. I started to speed up, focusing on my technique while keeping my breathing steady and calm.

"Alright Y/n! Perfect!" Tomate put his hands down and gave me a big hug.

"I'd say you're ready as ever." Tómate smiled as I shook my head and we started to walk to the tournament.


Tómate is next to me as I sign up, he has a huge smile on his face as I turn to him. He puts his hands on my shoulders and shakes them as he starts to tear up.

"Dad would be proud of you." He whispers.

He gave me a big hug wishing me luck and we parted ways.


Hiiii, this is my first chapter and I'm hoping I can update as much as possible as I'm very excited about this story. I hope you guys enjoy!

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