chapter 27 - a beautiful family

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After I stop crying, the babies are plucked from my and Vegeta's arms and are wiped down. We're waiting on bathing them until tomorrow, for future health purposes.


The nurse walks in with her clipboard, "Alright so, baby Vegeta is 6 pounds and 9oz and measures 22 inches. While baby Eschalot is 5 pounds and 5oz, and measures 20 inches."

The doctor comes in wheeling Eschalot being prepped to go in the tank.

"Hey! Why are you putting my child in a tank!" I lean on my elbows and seethe.

"You see, when twins are born, one of them usually takes more energy than the other. Since Eschalot is the smaller one, she will need to go into the tank. Only for a little bit."

I nod and look at Vegeta who is mumbling nonsense.

"I'm royal blood! My children do not need some stupid tank."

"Vegeta, it's fine." I gently touch his hand and he sighs and rubs his hand over his face.

"I know, It's just I want them both to be together." He sits on the bed next to me and brushes a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"They'll both be staying the night here, including you Y/n to monitor your vitals." The nurse points at me with her pen before going back to writing on her clipboard.

"Can I go in the healing tank? I still have things to do before they're brought back to us." I grab the water they provided for me and take a long drink.

"I suppose that could work. Do you want to start now?"

I nod and she starts grabbing the stickers to place over my chest. Vegeta doesn't seem too pleased.

"Vegeta, what's wrong?" I lean forward and grab his hand.

"I don't want to worry too much. Whenever you're in the tank, it hurts me to see you like that. Especially now that one of our children is in one next to you, Y/n." He gazes to the floor and I feel a pang in my chest.

"Just go train to get your mind off of it. Besides, I won't be in here for long. Only need to regain some energy, okay?" I give him a half smile and he reluctantly nods.

"You," he snaps his fingers at the nurse, who jumps and whips around in response. "Before she gets out, send somebody to the training room to get me. If I find out you forgot I will have you stripped of your position. Got it? And give me those damned stickers."

"Y-Yes sire!" She practically shoves them into his hands before scurrying away.

He carefully puts all the stickers on me and carries me towards the tanks.

"I won't be gone long Vegeta. I'll see you when I'm out." I grin as he pecks my lips and then blushes.

"I'll be here when you get out. I'll see you soon." He closes the door and the liquid starts filling the tank. I close my eyes and feel my hair spreading around me.


I wake up to beeping sounds and the goo draining. Keeping his word, Vegeta is watching me so intensely he could burn holes in my face.

Once everything is drained, the door opens with a hiss and he helps me out. I yank all the stickers off of me and grab a towel to wipe my face.

"How long was I in there for?"

He looks at the clock and thinks for a moment. "About a day."

"WHAT?!" My mouth falls open and he just nods.

(vegeta x fem reader) a fight to rememberWhere stories live. Discover now