chapter 3 - where am I?

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As we all arrived home, my mother hid the bag of coins in a safe space that my father made to hide his weapons, making sure none of us found them as kids.

I did a big yawn and stretched "I think I'm going to go to sleep, I had a pretty tiring day." I started to walk towards my room.

"No shower tonight honey?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, you stink!" Tómate yelled as my mom swatted him in the back of the head.

"I guess I probably should then. Last day of cold water!" I yelled as I grabbed a towel and ran to the bathroom.

The cold water felt kind of nice. It calmed my body down from all the sweat and heat today.


I got out of the shower and went into my room. I put on a tank top and tomates old sweats since he grew out of them.
Hand me downs, am I right

I fall asleep quickly as the rhythm of crickets lulls me to sleep.


I wake up to somebody crawling into my room. I pretended to be asleep, trying to listen to what was going on.

"Owwww!" Somebody whispered, realizing they'd just hit their head on the window.

"Shut it, Nappa! She will wake up!" Somebody else whisper-yelled.

I shot up out of my bed and tried to run towards my door but somebody's arms grabbed me from behind and picked me up.

"Oh no no no. You're not getting away from us." I tried to scream but he covered my mouth and threw me out the window. I landed in somebody else's arms. It was so dark I couldn't see anything. I tried to yell for Tomate, but instead, I was hit in the back of my neck and everything went black.


I woke up in a strange and bright room with 2 ladies staring at me. I try to sit up but I'm interrupted by the women.

"Oh goodness miss! Please lay back down!" A larger woman said as she gently placed my head back down on the pillow.

"Whe-Where am I?" I shielded my eyes from the bright lights.

"Call for Kakarot."

"Miss Y/n, Kakarot will come to get you and put you to bed, it's going to be okay"

"Who is Kakarot?" I said weakly. It hurt to talk and I was so dizzy I felt like I couldn't even move.

"Yo! She awake!" Somebody said cheerfully as he opened the door.

"Oh, Kakarot! Yes! She just woke up. Please take her to her room." The smaller nurse said as she picked up a bottle of water and handed it to him "And please make sure she drinks some water."

Kakarot picked me up and I put my head on his chest, the only place I could put it for stability.

"What's going on?" I said, dazing in and out of sleep.

He whistled and looked at the ceiling. "Okay so.. uhh I don't really know how to say this without it sounding bad but just hear me. We sorta kinda kidnapped you so you can sh-"

"You WHAT" I sat up and we bonked heads.

"Owwwww" I grabbed my head as my ears started to buzz.

I heard him open a door and he placed me on a bed.

"Yeah sorry, Vegeta always said I had a thick skull!" giving me a half laugh.

"Vege-" I yelled, trying to sit up.

"Uhhh yeahhhh, well goodnight!" He closed the door and I heard him running away.

What the hell is going on...


I woke up to someone shoving me off the bed.

"Get up woman." Somebody said.

I let my eyes adjust and saw that it was the one and only, Prince Vegeta.

"Tell me why I'm here first. Now." I sat up, not caring that I was dizzy because I was so upset.

He gives me a short laugh and stares down at me.

"You're going to teach me how you became a super saiyan." He points at me and goes back to his signature pose, crossing his arms.


Vegeta's POV

I'm so bored. Female Saiyans fighting is just sad. Nobody is strong enough at all to even catch my attention.

"Prince Vegeta, look!" Somebody points at the ring, I stand up and my jaw drops.

"Uh- ah- how?" I'm speechless and angry. How can somebody so small and weak become a super saiyan? No matter. I am the strongest Saiyan in the universe. She is no challenge to me, right?

"Are you mad about something Vegeta?" My father, King Vegeta stares at me and grins.

"What! No. Why would I be bad about some insolent woman!" I scoffed in disgust.

"Well let's see, you have a weird look on your face, and you broke the railing." My father gave me this look saying,

"don't think I can't read your actions."


Later that night.

"I want the woman here to tell me how she became a super saiyan. Tonight." I snap.

"Prince Vegeta, if I may-

"Shut it. Find a way, I want her here by morning." I storm off to my room.

There is no way I'm going to do this myself. I'm not risking to blow my cover. Ugh.

"Nappa! Come to my living chambers at once!" I take off my scouter and flop down on my bed.

Why did she have to go super saiyan? I'm royalty! Prince of all Saiyans! This is ridiculous. I can't believe I'm asking for help.

"Yes, Prince Vegeta" Nappa comes in as he mocks my title.

"I need you to get the girl who won the tournament. What is her name."

"Uhhhh F/n L/n I think, Why? You got a crush?" Nappa comes closer and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Tsk. As if. I don't have time for women and even if I did, it wouldn't be low class like her." I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"What's so bad about Y/n? She's pretty and she sure seems nice!" Nappa says, leaning against my doorframe.

"She's n- not! Nappa! Have her here by morning or I'll have your head!" I charged up a small ki blast. Nappa just smiled and left.


Y/n's POV.

"I don't even know how I did it. She just talked about my father and I got upset, and that was it. So there, can I go home now?" I stood up and started to walk out the door but he grabbed my arm.

"Listen here." He gave me this evil stare. "You are not leaving until you teach me, Got it?" He gets right up in my face and I get wide eyes and step back.

"Where is my family? What did you do to them!" I have the courage this time to get in his face.

"Oh, your family is fine! Just shut up and go eat. We have a long day woman." As he slams the door.


You cannot be serious right now. Why me?


Hiii sorry if all the pov's get a little confusing I tried to make it make sense. Butttttt yeah chapter 3

(vegeta x fem reader) a fight to rememberWhere stories live. Discover now