chapter 22 - a fancy dinner ft. 🍋

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Y/n's POV


"Where's this dinner going to be held anyway?" We walk past the dining room and I look at him, confused.

"In one of our ballrooms. It is more 'fancy' compared to the dining room." He says with air quotes.

I hum and nod my head. "Are you sure I can be in there with everybody? I'm not technically anything except your mate as of now."

He thinks for a moment, pursing his lips. "I'd assume so. If they say anything, I have the authority to override their decision. So, unless my father decides that you can't be there, everything will be okay." I swallow a nervous lump in my throat as we reach the doors.

"Take a deep breath and calm down. Remember, they can sense if you're nervous little one."

I'm not sure why he called me that, but it gives my stomach a weird feeling.

I take a few deep breaths and wring out my hands. Nodding, a guard opens the doors and we stride in.

"Prince Vegeta! What a wonderful delight to see you again!" Everybody stands from their chairs and bows.

"And you," Somebody points at me, and I recognize him. He's the one who asked me to dance at the wedding.

"Are you the future princess?"

I open my mouth but Vegeta cuts me off.

"Yes, she is. So I'd appreciate it if you would stop gawking at her, Gourdy." Vegeta gives a stern look that causes everyone in the room to gulp nervously.

"Of course, Prince Vegeta." His voice is dripping with sarcasm. He begins to squeeze my hand a little bit too hard, I place my free hand on his arm and he immediately calms down.

"Vegeta, this is important. Just stay calm." I whisper and give him a pleading look. Sighing, he closes his eyes for a moment and nods.


Taking a seat at the end of the long table, we patiently wait for the king. The others are making small talk when their conversation turns to me.

"So, we've never caught your name." One overly obese man says smoothly.

"I-it's y/n." Usually, I would snap and then insult them. But, I decided to hold my tongue for the night.

"Y/n, what a pretty name."

"Thank you, sir, it was my grandmother's."

He gives a small nod and somebody else speaks up.

"So, where are you from y/n?"

Sweat starts to form on my brow, do I lie or tell the truth? Will they be disappointed in Vegeta? Will it tarnish his image?

"Parsnip." Immediately, everybody's faces turn into a dissatisfied look and they glare at each other.

"Hm, what a sad story. How would the prince be interested in somebody from your status?" Another man chimes, causing them all to laugh. Tears threaten to spill over. My embarrassment turns into anger instead.

I've had enough, these people will not treat me like shit and try to embarrass me any longer. With a deep breath, I place my hand on top of Vegeta's and say in the most mannerly tone I can.

"Actually, I was the first to become the legendary super saiyan. Also, I defeated our previous enemy and tyrant Frieza. So I'd suggest you all shut your mouths, I dared to do what you could only think of in your dreams. Especially you." I look at the obese man and continue with the same tone.

(vegeta x fem reader) a fight to rememberWhere stories live. Discover now