chapter 13 - father

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There's violence in this chapter I will put a ** before


I burst through the front doors to the throne room and make my way to his office.

"Father, what did you say to her." I growl.

He slams his hands on the table. "Why did you mark her? Do you have ANY idea what you've just done!" He yells.

"Yes I-"

"No. You're not mating with or nor are you allowed to be in a relationship with her. She is low class and I'm not having that reputation."

"Father I've already-"

"Well did she mark you?" I can practically see the steam coming from his ears.

"No, she didn't."

"I've just made arrangements, you shall marry Leek to continue on the elite bloodline."

"She doesn't even know how to be a real saiyan! Y/n won the tournament in case you forgot!" I say as my fists are clenched by my sides.

"Don't argue with me!" He comes up and slaps me across the face.

"I'm not leaving her!" I snap back.

"I'm sending her home. I forbid you to speak with her again. And that's final." with that he shoves me out and slams the door.

I try to protest and bang on his door but the guards grab me and forcefully pull me out of the room.


I take the long way to y/n's chambers and see Chili and Kakarot silently standing there.

"Have you tried to talk to her?" I ask concerned.

"We tried but she won't answer. I've knocked on the door but still nothing sire." Chili looks at her feet and sighs.

I knock on the door. "Y/n it's me, please open the door. I just want to talk to you."

Nothing. The room is absolutely silent.

"Y/n? Please just say something, if you don't want to talk I understand but please say something." I look at both of them and they have worried expressions on their faces.

I still hear nothing at all. "Could she be sleeping?"

"I don't think so Vegeta, it seems like she really wanted to leave." Kakarot gives me a frown.

"I'm worried about her, we are just gonna have to break down the door." I charge up a small blast and shoot it at the doorknob. We file in and see no y/n but the balcony doors open.

Chili gasps and begins to silently cry.

"God damn it!" I kick at her bed frame and it cracks. "Why won't she just talk to me." I sigh.

We all turn our heads as we hear a blast and a sinister laugh.

Y/n's POV.

I close the door and sink against it while I hear Vegeta walk away. I can't hold back my tears as they turn into sobs.

Why me, I was finally happy here.


After a while, I get up and begin to pack my things. I'll have to leave a lot of stuff behind, I won't need these heels or dresses anymore. I won't need jewelry or any of these fancy clothes. I put my gi's and sneakers into a chest along with all of the workout clothes and other things I bought at the mall. I stare at the flowers on my nightstand and run my fingers over the petals one last time. This whole time, Chili and Kakarot are trying to come in. But I don't want them to see me like this or try to convince me to stay. I'll miss them so much.

(vegeta x fem reader) a fight to rememberWhere stories live. Discover now