chapter 12 - the king

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I wake up and Vegeta isn't next to me. I look down and see i'm wearing no clothes. Groaning, I rub my eyes and get out of bed to shower and get dressed, deciding to put on my gi and head to the training room. As i'm walking Kakarot comes around the corner.

"Hey y/n!" He puts up his hand and waves

"Oh hi! Do you just walk around here? You're literally everywhere." I smile at him as we begin to walk to the training room.

"Well actually I was looking for you. The King sent a message for you to come meet him in the throne room." He stares at me with a serious face.

"He what? Why would he want to see me?" My eyes go wide and I can feel myself starting to sweat.

"Ummm i'm not too sure. He just said to find you and that's it's important." He rubs the back of his head and gives a nervous laugh.

I start to think the worst of the worse.

Am I getting kicked out?

Did somebody hear me and Vegeta? Oh god. He marked me. Oh my. Why did I do that? I JUST met him! I mean, he makes me feel something i've never felt before but I still never marked him. Did he just do that to keep me from anybody else?

"Hellooo, earth to y/nnnn." Kakarot breaks me from my thoughts and waves his hand infront of my face.

"Oh! Ha." I give a nervous laugh. "Yeah i'm okay. Just thinking."

"Okay well update me! I love gossip!" He laughs and walks away from me.

My palms are sweating as the guards open the huge doors for me and the king is sitting in his throne.

"Ah y/n. Please, come forward." He booms.

"It's an honor your majesty." I bow as I shake from fear.

"So, you and my son?" He gives me a weird look and I can feel my face start to get red.

"Oh um, pardon me for asking, but what have you heard?" I try to swallow but my mouth is so dry I can't.

"Well, do you know how he went super saiyan?" He grins.

"No sire I do not."

"It was because of you," He pauses. "I think he is starting to take a liking to you."

If only he knew..

"Oh you think? Well, Kakarot has mentioned some things..."

"Well, what do you think of my son?"

My eyes go wide as I try to control my facial expression.

"Oh! I'm not trying to pressure you, if you don't want to answer that's okay." He gives me a small nod.

"No sire I was just, taken aback that's all." I give a small laugh. "I wouldn't lie to you king so I'm going to tell you the truth.."

He rests his chin on his hand and gives me a face telling me to go on.

"Veget- I mean, the prince. Well, he makes me feel things I haven't felt before. I've had those childhood crushes in school. But I feel like this might be different. I know I'm lower class my king, so I'd understand if you wouldn't want me to continue with my feelings towards the prince. But if you want me to tell you everything, I think I love him and-" I move my shirt to show him the fresh mark he made me.

His face turns serious and his voice booms as he stands up, "Leave. Get out of my sight, I can't believe my son did that to someone like you."

"Of course, thank you for your time, sire." I bow and walk out of the room with a lump in my throat.

(vegeta x fem reader) a fight to rememberWhere stories live. Discover now