chapter 7 - even more training

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I wake up in the morning on the couch to a flick in the forehead. "Owww what was that for!" I rub my forehead and slowly open my eyes to see Vegeta standing there.

"Get up, we have to train. Don't make me do it again." He has his hands on his hips and bags under his eyes.

"I can tell you're tired, can we order breakfast first? I'm hungry." I look at him with my eyes starting to sting from the lights in his room.

"Fine what do you want." He presses his scouter and waits.

"Well since I was nearly killed the day I wanted to try an omelette I'd like to have that. With orange juice." I cross my arms in anger.

He gives me a small frown before ordering, remembering what happened. "Chili, bring me an omelette with orange juice as well as french toast with milk. Okay. Yup, Thank you." He takes off his scouter and puts it on the stand next to the couch as he sits down.

"You know, I don't know why they did that." He said quietly and waited for my reaction.

I started to tear up a little at the thought. "I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there. Th- thank you." Tears started to go down my face and I turn my head away and wiped my eyes.

"Oh, Don't worry about it. Everything is taken care of." He waves his hands and I slowly nod as I stand up. I give a big stretch and yawn as I look down and see I'm in his big t-shirt and nothing else.

I jumped back onto the couch and pulled the blanket over me. "LOOK AWAY NOW." I yelled as there was a knock at the door.

He smirked as he went to open the door.

"Nothing I haven't seen."


"Mmm. This is amazing!" I said between bites of my omelette. "How haven't I heard of this before!" And shoved a giant piece in my mouth.

He almost choked on his food as he said "You've really never heard of that? I thought you were just joking." He sets his utensils down and looks at the ceiling "Hm, you don't know how weddings work and haven't drank. Wait, have you never done that before either?" The last part made me stop eating as I put my fork down and slowly shook my head no as my face started to heat up.

"Where did you learn how to do that stuff then?" He quietly chuckled and ate another piece of his French toast.

"I don't know I just did what felt good I guess. I also wasn't all the way there so I was kind of lost in the moment." Giving a nervous laugh, I shrugged my shoulders and continued eating.


I finished my food and Chili walked me back to my room. "So I see you've spent the night in his room." She gives me a smirk and nudges me.

"Chili! Pfffft, totally." I looked away so she can't see my smile.

"Yeah right, you know Saiyans can smell almost anything right?" She puts her hand over her mouth and lets out a small laugh.

"Ughhh fine! I don't know how I got so bold but it just happened! I haven't even known him long!" I told her everything that happened and put my hands in my face and sighed.

Did I do the wrong thing?

"He didn't mark you and that's good. Nobody will know, just shower and change and you will be fine." She gives me a wink as she opens my door and I walk in.

"Thanks, Chili. You really are the best." I smile and close my door.


Once I shower, I walk into my closet and pull out my gi. It's nothing close to the royal armor, but I'm not going to wear what killed my father, at least not yet.


I open the door to the training room and stretch my arms above my head.

"Well well well, somebody looks excited don't they?" He gives a small laugh as I walk in, yawning and rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah right. I would've appreciated to sleep a little bit longer but noooo. Why do we have to train so early anyways?" I walk over to the other side of the room.

"I have a busy day today, and I'd prefer to have it as a super saiyan. Alright let's go." He completely catches me by surprise as he gives me a hard punch in the face.

"Ow! What the hell Vegeta! You're asking for it now." I charge at him and try to hit and kick, he dodges most of them but I give him a fake punch, leaving his stomach open and with both of my feet I kick him in the stomach. Spit flies out of his mouth as he makes a noise indescribable.

He growls and we go back and forth. "You're a bad fighter just like your father was. You're a slut y/n." He laughs as I stop fighting and stand there with an angry look on my face. "Good, use that anger." I feel the tears in my eyes and start to walk out of the room.

"Y/n I-

"Shut up. I thought you were better than this, clearly not. Don't talk to me ever again." I sniffle as I walk out of the training room and start to run back to my room.

The tears in my eyes turn into sobs and I walk into my room and cry as I put my face in the pillow.

How could he? I- I thought he was different. But he's the same, cold hearted person he always was. I can't believe I let my guard down. I've barely met him and I'm crazy to think that the prince would be interested in me.


Hiii this is kinda short compared to my other chapters but I'm currently in the car driving and I'm started to get carsick a little so I had to cut it a bit short. It's also 5:20 in the morning. None the less, I hope you enjoyed :) merry christmas!!

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