Siblings Reunited

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Nashville Airport, 2023

Emily Sanchez walked through the gate with her purple carry on bag in one hand and a Coca Cola drink from McDonald's in another. She entered the plane bound for the Seattle Airport and began to sit down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking." said the soft, deep female voice over the intercom. "Please place all carry-on items underneath the seat in front of you, have your tray tables in the upright position and make sure all mobile devices remain in airplane mode. There is in-flight entertainment that is complimentary, and will be available after the safety video will play on the screens in front of you. Thank you for flying Delta." Emily watched the safety video and began watching The Avengers from 2012 as the plane was taking off.

The plane gradually touched down, rolling on the runway and slowly came to a halt. It taxied along to the gate in the Seattle airport. The pilot began the welcome announcements to Seattle.

"The Seattle weather is High 44, low 26, with dense fog, cloudy skies and a high chance of snow." The pilot announced. "We thank you for flying with us and hope to see you again sometime." Emily got off the plane and walked onto the tan floors of Baggage Claim. There were bags of different shapes, sizes and colors on the baggage carousel. There were blue bags, green bags, red bags, black bags, and purple bags. There were some tan bags and brown bags and even a bag that was not a bag at all, it was a cage with a tiny chihuahua in it. Emily reclaimed her large purple bag from the shiny steel carousel. She began looking for a familiar face.

"Sara, my sister!" Emily said, feeling excited to see her sister. "How have you been?" Sara was a cute, thin girl with a big smile on her face. Emily stroked Sara's short black hair and hugged her.

"Why are you really here?" Sara asked.

"I wanted to find a lawyer job to pay off my student debt, and I am looking for Mom, who said she would be here the last time I saw her." Emily answered. "My father, Laurent Sanchez was killed by a man known as Aquilo, named after the Roman ice god. I remember it like it was yesterday and it still haunts me."

"Oh, I know about Dad, but I don't know about Mom. However, I know of a good lawyer job in a small town called Mistdale." Sara mentioned. "Hop in my station wagon and I will tell you all about it." Sara led Emily to her white 2005 Ford Taurus Wagon. Emily placed her luggage in the backseat, got in and buckled her seatbelt. Sara started driving.

"What's Mistdale?" Emily asked.

"Mistdale is a town where people disappear and never return." Sara answered. "There are witches, vampires and werewolves that lurk there, as well as ghostly apparitions."

"What the hell!" Emily shrieked with shock.

"There are three tribes, a coven of witches known as the Pyramid Coven, a cult of vampires called the Bat Brotherhood, and the Werewolves are called the Claw Collective."

"I should be cautious about where I will be staying in Mistdale." Emily was worried, wondering if there was a safe place she would lay her head down for the night. 

"Our Uncle Phil owns an auto repair shop on 400 W." Sara explained. "There's a spare room there because the automobile shop used to be an old motel, but since it was used by the Kingfishers for drug dealing, Mistdale police shut it down."

"Who are the Kingfishers?" Emily asked.

"They are a Native American motorcycle gang who belong to the Cathanow Indigenous Community." Sara answered. They drove across a bridge above a wide river. There was a sign on the side of the road on the other end of the bridge that said "You Are Now Entering Mistdale." As the car went into the fog, it stopped at a gate.

"Identification please." The attendant asked.

"Emily Sanchez, I have a job opening here." Emily answered.

"I'm Sara Sanchez, I live here." Sara mentioned.

"You may proceed." The guard opened the gate. "The Day of Reckoning is upon us!" The car proceeded inside the steel walls of the town. Sara parked the car at Phil's Garage, the cliche name of Phil's auto repair shop. When Sara and Emily got out, there were gray police cars with dark blue accents on them parked around the business. Emily went inside to see what was going on. Inside, the police were investigating some sort of crime scene.

"What is the meaning of this?" Emily questioned.

"Phil Sanchez has been charged with pulling off a smash and grab at the town bank using his tow truck, so we are investigating the business for evidence that he did it." The police chief, Chief Ahmad had said. Ahmad had the body of a walrus, built up with weight.

"If it's Phil you're after, then I will defend him." Emily said, volunteering to defend her uncle's honor in her first case.

"Challenge accepted." Ahmad pulled a pen out of one of the pockets of his gray uniform and started writing stuff down. After he had written the report, he stuck the pen back in the pocket of his uniform and looked at Emily. Emily saw Ahmad's face frowning at him. She did not like that head of slicked back black hair after accusing her uncle of something that she knew her uncle would never do.

"The trial is tomorrow at 10 AM, so I would suggest getting an early rest." Ahmad and his officers left the area to return to their squad cars. Emily and Sara decided to get some shut-eye, because the trial would be the first challenge Emily would face in the new town.

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