The Beginning

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I yawn quietly as the sun sets below the peaceful ocean. I watch as the blue waves rush back and forth, wetting my toes slightly. "You ready Cory?" I look over my shoulder at my sister who is crouched on the sand, pocking at the fish, I had caught, with a stick.
"No! Y/N, why did we have to get up THIS early? It's too cold, I wanna go back to bed." She growns as she walks over to me, standing slightly behind so her toes aren't in the cool water.
"It's not THAT early," I exclaim walking into the water, "plus the water wakes you up and makes you forget every problem in the world." I say, the cool water is now knee deep. I wave at Cory, calling her to come over. She reluctantly steps deeper into the beautiful blue water.

We swim out into the sea and after splashing eachother for a while, float on the water, letting the waves carry us around.
"Y/N, I'm scared, what if I get picked?" Corys' voice quivers.
"It's gonna be fine Cory, it's your first year, you won't get reaped," I say, comforting her about tomorrow.
"What if you get reaped? Your name is in so many times, how many is it now?"
"Don't worry, I've survived the past few years, and it's only in 4 more times than last year so it's fine."
"OK," she sighs before going back to listening to the ocean.

I look at the sky, it's a beautiful sun set, I try to enjoy the colours while they last. The sky was filled with oranges and pinks and purples that mix together and dance playfully around the falling sun. I watch as the sky bcomes a dark blue filled with small stars, and the sun crawls lower in behind the ocean.

"Time to go," I tell Cory as I begin swimming back to the shore.
"Whyyyy?" She complains, "I was just starting to like it!"
"All you do is complain," I shake my head, grabbing her ankle eith my left hand and dragging her towards the land, "guess I'd better tickle you to get it out of your system," I reach my right hand towards her foot which quickly slipps out of my left hands grip.
Cory begins giggling as she wades towards the sand, "first you have to catch me!"

We make it to the sand quickly and race over to the bag of fish, I swing it over my shoulder. I chase Cory up the sand hill and onto the sandy, rocky path. She runs ahead a bit before turning around and sticking her tounge out playfully. I speed up she shreeks, quickly turning around and running in the direction of home.

We get home fast and strain out our hair before dusting our feet off and walking inside. We head to the kitchen, walking past our brother who is past out drunk on the couch.
"Go have a quick bath Cory, get changed on your pjs then come back for dinner," I tell my younger sister. She nods before turning around and heading for the bathroom.
I walk towards the couch and shake my brother awake, "Stevie, wake up!"
"What?" He groans, reluctantly opening his eyes, "stop being so loud!"
"I've got some fish to sell to the restaurant, I'll either do it after the reaping tomorrow or if you could drop it off on your way?" I ask my brother.
"I'll handle it," Stevie answers before shutting his eyes agin.
"Thanks," I sigh, "did you, Arigale or Denvin cook any food? Are Ari and Dev even here?"
"Does it look like they're here? And does it look like anyone cooked some food?" He slurrs.
"Any idea where they are?"
"Why would I know that!?"
I sigh and walk away to the kitchen and grab out a fish and a pan. Honestly Arigale and Dev are probably pasted out in a park somewhere.

Cory comes back into the room after her bath and I continue to cook the fish. After I finish, Cory and I eat the fish and I leave a bit for our brother. I send Cory off to bed and head to the bathroom with my pyjamas. I strip off my sandy clothes to reveal more sand underneath. I sigh and think about how I'm gonna have to clean it up later. I step into the bath and sit down, letting the cold water encase my body, I then quickly wash my body then my hair. Once I'm satisfied with the amount of sand I've gotten off, I jump out of the cold water and dry myself on my towel and get changed. I head to the kitchen and tell Stevie to turn the lights out when he's going to bed. I then make my way to Cory and my room, lift the covers and climb into our bed.

Due to our house only has a grande total of four rooms, one of which is the kitchen and dinning room, Cory and I share a room, while Stevie, when he's here shares a bedroom with Dev. Ari is practically never here due to always being high or drunk but when she is, she sleeps on the couch.

Once in bed with Cory, I begin to fall asleep until she rolls over and says "Y/N I'm worried about tomorrow."
"I know," I sigh, "but there's no need to worry." I pull my sister closer and whisper sing to her an old district 4 nursery rhyme until she falls asleep.


I wake up in the moring, looking out the window to see the restless waves eat the shore line as the sun creeps higher in the sky. I get up and lay out Cory and my clothes to wear to the reaping. I walk into the kitchen and start breakfast. Both Cory and Stevie wake up and come to the kitchen, after eating breakfast, I walk into Cory and my room and get changed into my knee length grey skirt and a white button up shirt the I tucked into my skirt. I started doing my hair by pull the slides of my hair into three plates on each side. I then pull them back to the middle of my head and tie the back with a piece of string.

I walk out to the kitchen with a brush and some hairties, I stand behind Cory and pull her long, straight blonde hair into a singular dutch braid.
"Thank you," Cory smiles as she gets up and takes her plate over to the sink.
"Did Esteban already leave?"
"He did but don't call Stevie that, it sounds weird," Cory replies.
"I did feel funny, get changed then we'll head of." I tell her and she runs to our room, coming out in a faded blue dress the ends a few centimetres below her knees. And a cream colour cardigan that used to be white but had lost its colour over
"You look very pretty," I see a smile creep over her face as the examines her outfit, "ready to go?" I ask. Cory's face drops and she nods. I grab her hand and walk out the door, locking it behind me.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now