And I was in love.

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Y/N pov

A groan escapes my mouth. I don't wanna wake up. Sleep is so nice and peaceful; an escape from the horrors of what I've done. Rolling over, I open my eyes to the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Finnick Odair. His mouth wears a smile, his morning hair is a bit messy but still hot, and his eyes look like the ocean. God, I miss the ocean.

"Morning Princess," the boy smirks.

"Princess?" I question, raising my eyebrowns, still half asleep.

"Yep," Finnick nods, his pink lips curling into a mischievous gin.

"Whatever you say, Finn," I smile too.

My eyes fall from his eyes to his lips, then down his shirtless chest. His abs make my cheeks blush. I look down at myself, I'm wearing a flimsy, oversized shirt with nothing underneath. Whatever. I could care less at this moment.

But then something changes. Finnicks smile drops and has looks down.

"What's wrong?" I ask, worry lineing my voice.

"Nothing, I just- well, it is something," he stampers. I know there's something he downt want to tell me.

"What is it, Finn? Come on, you can tell me."

"So you know how we're going home today?"

"Yeah," I nod. A warm ball of happiness explodes in my heart and through my chest. 'I'm going home.' I get to see Cory.

"Well... there's something I need to tell you about what happens to Victor after they win. But I don't want to because it's not very good."

I bite my tongue. His words are burning a hole in my stomach. My hand reached forward and grabbed his. Rubbing my thumb against his hand, I nod at him to continue.

The boy sighs, "Ok. So, basically, once you win, Snow usually gets you to work for the Capitol in one way or another, and it's not usually very appealing. For me- he- he uhm..."

I could tell Finnick was getting upset, "it's ok. You don't have to tell me."

"No, no, I want to."

"Ok," I nodded, surprised, "Take your time."

He nodded, too, letting out a long breath. "He makes me sell my body to people, if you know what I mean."

Everything was silent for a moment. I feel so sorry for the boy in front of me. A tear rolls down my cheek. I can't believe Snow makes him do that. What sick, vile, twisted man. It makes me want to puke.

"Don't cry for me, Princess," Finnick wipes the tears from my cheek, "it's ok."

"No. No, it's not ok," My heart was suddenly filled with unexplainable rage. Rage towards Snow. Rage towards the Capitol. I want to rip them to shreds. "It's not ok for them to make you do that."

"I know, I know, but I can't do anything about it. Ok? And I just wanted to warn you about what he's capable of."

I nodded, calming down. There was no point in being angry now it would just ruin my day. "Thanks for telling me."

"There's another thing."

"Oh no," my heart dropped.

"I don't know if Snow will approve of our relationship. And so, it might be a bit risky to you know."

"Yeah," I nodded sadly. It seemed like my day was going to be ruined after all. Maybe even my whole life would be ruined. How would I find anyone as good as Fin-

"It's ok, we'll just have to be sneaky."

My face lit up. And I nodded so fast that I felt a bit dizzy. "Love the idea."

Finnick smiled genuinely, and I did, too.


"Ok," I let a deep breath escape my mouth, "I got this."

"You got this," Finnick repeated my words, looking down at me as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

I could almost jump with excitement. He was holding my hand!!! And also, I was going home!! To Cory!!! Finally!! I wanted to jump and scream and shout all at the same time.

The train door slid open, and my sister appeared in front of me. My heart almost exploded with joy. Happy tears escaped my eyes as Cory and I hugged tightly.

"I missed you so much," I told my sister.

"I missed you too!" She said.

We were both crying happy tears into eachothers shoulders. I managed to look up at Stevie, who was standing not too far away. He caught my gaze, and we shared a thank you smile.

After what felt like no time but was probably about 20 minutes, Cory and I pulled away. I turned back to Finnick and nodded at him. He flashed me a smile, nodding back.

I wanted to go back and kiss him but I couldn't. It was too risky. But, I was happy to be walking away with Cory and Stevie.

Finally, I was home.

And I was in love.


Yay! That's the end. We'll kinda, I'm gonna post the epilogue in like 2 or 3 days, so stick around for that. And then I'll let you guys know what I'm planning next. Thanks for reading <3

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now