Day 2

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"Pat. Pat. Pat."
"Splash, splash, splash."

My cheeks feel the cold water from the leaves dripping onto my face in the early morning of the second day. I can hear the soft patting of rain on the leaves and the sound of the raindrops as they splash into the puddles on the ground. I open my eyes and watch as the rain drops into the mud. It's is getting heavier but it should be fine considering we have the tree cover. I sit up and look through my bag, even though I covered it in leaves, it was soaked by the rain. The insides are pretty wet but thankfully, the bun and scones were wrapped in some material that kept the water out. I look through the bag for the bun I had. My hands carefully split the bread splits into quarters. My legs ache from running yesterday as I stand up and carry some of the bread over to Yvette.
"Morning," I say to her.
I see her jump a bit as she turns around, she holds a knife at the ready, "sorry, I'm a bit jumpy at the moment... Is some of that for me?" She points to a piece of bun. I nod and sit down next to her.

"How are you this morning?" Yvette asks me while she eats.
"I'm alright, my face hurts a bit but it's fine," I answer her, "if your tired, you can go lay down until Grey and Chrys wake up."
"I'm alright. Let me have a look at your cut."
Yvette carefully examines the cut on my face and determines that its fine and should heal in a week. As I sit on the rock with Yvette, we look out at the lush, wet forest that is dripping with rain. While we wait for Grey and Chrys to get up, I take off my hood and let the rain wash away the blood on my face from yesterday.

After Grey and Chrys wake up, and eat breakfast, Yvette climbs the biggest tree near us so we can get a good look of the arena.
"There's a beach looking thing maybe a 2 hour walk from here," Yvette tells us as she smoothly climbs down, "other than that theres just forest and the Cornucopia field."
"Let's stay here for another day. Maybe we move a bit but we're in the forest, there will be lots a animal we can hunt or fruit we can pick," Chrys points out. We move out camp a bit before Chrys and I go out hunting while Grey sets up a trap and Yvette guard the camp.

While we walk, Chrys and I talk about our lives back home, the good and the bad. It feels like her and I really get a long and click really well.
"When do you think the rain will stop?" Chrys asks.
"I'm not really sure. It's not that different for me, I spend that much time in the ocean so I'm usally surrounded by water," I shrug, answering her.
"District 4 and the water," she shakes her head jokingly. Makes me laugh a bit.

I hear some rustling in the bushes next to us. We get into a fighting stance, ready to attack. Some black birds fly mygesticly out of the bush and I launch my spear into the air. It stabs one of the birds and it's falls to the leaf covered the ground. I rush over and pick up the spear and the dead, black bird.

"We'll need more than this," I tell Chrys as I hold up the bird.
I look over at her, shes dripping with rain, still holding her sword in her hands, Chrys says, "It's getting a bit late though, we should start heading back som-"
"Quick, this way. Your going to be fine. I'll fix this," we hear a voice followed by feet splashing in the puddles that line the muddy ground. We look at eachother before jumping into a nearby bush. We crouch down and watch as 2 kids stumble closer to us. One of them has a knife in her stomach, her companion is holding her up and trying to run away with her. He leans her against a tree and crouchs down next to her.
"Go. Go while you still can," she rasps, blood spewing from her mouth, "I'm not going to make it. Go now."
"No. I won't, I won't leave you," he cries.
"Run now or they'll kill you too."
"I'll- I'll kill him. I'll kill him for what he did for you. Then I'll win."
He gets up slowly and starts running in a different direction. Chrys and I watch as the life is drained from the girl. A cannon booms.

I can hear a hover mechine flying over head. Another boy rushes into the area. He seems out of breath and I can't tell if he's sweating or if its just the rain. He looks up at the flying mechine before looking the ground and following the footprints of the first tribute. Chrys and watch from the bush as the claw collects the girl body. She would have to be around 15. I can't watch anymore. I turn around and wait. After the hover mechine flies away, we get up and begin walking back to camp.

We don't say anything on the way back, we keep our gaurd up while we treck through the forest. I jump as a cannon goes off. We look around, gripping our weapons tightly. Once we know it's clear, we quickly make our way through the forest. Once there I let out a sigh of relief as Yvette and Grey are safe. At dinner, we split 2 of the scones and eat half each.

I take first watch. Sitting on the cold rock and wrap my arms around my legs to keep me warm. 'I wonder what Finnick is going right now?' I think while I look at the artificial sky. As I wait for the anthem to play, I listen to the rain as it falls from the sky. It's getting heavier every day. The puddles are expanding.

Eventually, when I can bearly keep my eyes open, the anthem plays and the sky lights up with the light blue. Only 2 died today. The district 9 male died and there's the girl Chrys and I saw, she was from district 10.
"10 left," Grey tells us, "The careers, that's 4. Us, that's another 4 and then the boy from 10 and girl from 6. We'll need to figure out our plan of attack tomorrow." He gets up and swaps with me.

I walk over to the leaf bed and flop down. I curl into a ball to try and keep myself warm. Closing my eyes, I imagine myself that night with Finnick. My head on his chest, listening to his heart beating as I drifted off to sleep. I can feel his warmth on my body as I lay on the cold leaves. I feel my body drifting off to sleep.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now