Day 9 I think

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I feel my spear plunge into the boys flesh. It breaks through so easily. He swings his knife at me and screams for help from his friends. I brutally twist the spear. He screams again. I look at his face. Cory. It's Cory. My eyes widen with shock. Tears fall onto her lifeless face.
"No! No! No!" Is all I manage to cry through the tears.

A blade pierces my skin, shooting me awake. I sit up and try to fight back. My wrists burn as the cuts rub against the rope. I let out a cry for help. I can feel the blade piercing deeper into the wound. It throbs with pain. I bite onto my lip, so I won't scream. I watch as Ezra pushes his hand onto the cut. There's bright red blood all over his hands and my leg, above my knee. I can taste the salty blood seeping from my lip into my mouth.
"Can't she make some noise? We need that kid to come here," the other career boy asks.
"Try pushing harder Ezra," Chrys tells him.
I watch a smile creep over the boys face as he digs his nails into the cut. I try to suffocate my screams by biting my lip. Tears roll down my cheeks. I bite my lip harder, trying not to scream as I wait for the burning pain to stop.

Ezra lifts his blood covered hands from my leg sighs angrily.
"Maybe we should just kill her and hunt down the other kid?" Chrys suggests, "we could cut her open and leave her for dead?"
"Jerit, go look for him in the forest," Ezra tells the other boy, "when you find him, kill him then come back here."
"Fine," the boy grabs a sword and walks towards the forest. I watch as his tall figure disappears in the tree line.

Fear makes my stomach twist and turn as I look at the grins on Ezra and Chrys faces. They looks menising as they stand above me.


As night falls apon the arena the other boy, Jerit, returns to the Cornucopia. The carees light a fire and cook some meat. The hunger in my stomach making me feel sick as I smell the food. My mouth feel dry due to not drinking water in the past couple days.

'I need to get out of here,' I think to myself as I look around for any blade they may have left somewhere. Nothing. Something shiny catches my eye as my eyes dart around again. They left a knife in the pocket of one of the bags. I slowly, carefully inch closer, careful to not make any noise.

"Should we give her some food or water? We need to keep her alive for now right?" I catch Chrys ask the group.
"That's true," Ezra remarks, getting up.
'Shit, shit, shittttt,' I think, quickly shuffling back to where I was before. Ezra walks over to me with a water bottle. He grabs my face with his hand, pulling it closer to him.
"I bet your pretty thirsty," he tells me, "better savour this one because it's all your going to get." He pulls my jaw down and pours the water down my throat. My mouth soaks in the water, and relief fills my body as the liquid quenchs my thirst.

I lean back as he walks back towards the fire. I continue my mission of grabbing that blade. My body slowly moves across the ground, careful not to be too loud or fall down. Eventually I reach the pocket. I can feel the mesh material around my hand as it slips into the pocket, grabbing the handle of the knife. I pull it out and hold it behind my back, making sure they won't see it. After moving back to where I was, my eyes close and allow my body to relax. But I can't sleep restfully, due to being in constant fear.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now