Day 5

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My back aches from sleeping in a tree. After we all wake up and eat the rest of the scones for breakfast, we climb down the trees and are met with the dirty water that reaches my knees. It reaches halfway up Yvettes thigh, considering she's smaller.
"We should head to the beach," I tell the others as large rain drops pelt my face. They nod in agreement, and we start walking towards the beach. The rain gets quieter as the sand comes closer.

I stick my head out of the tree line. It looks so strange to see a perfect tree line, so straight and man made. It looks so unnatural, making a shiver run down my spine. We decide to set up camp on the edge of the tree line because that way, we will still have shelter. There are no puddles here, and the rain is only spitting.

"I'm going to hunt for fish," I tell them as I run towards the water with my spear. The salt water around my waist, and I dip my head under. I can taste the salt in my mouth and nose. It feels like home. I go deeper until the water is over my head. Opening my eyes under the water,  I watch as the fish swim under my feet. I throw my spear at them. I manage to catch 2, and a smile covers my face as I swim down to retrieve my spear.

I push the salty water through my hands as I swim back to shore with my finds. When I reach the shore, my hands feel numb and shaky because of the cold air. I shake them around to warm them up. Once they're warm enough, using one of the knives, I skin the fish and pass it around to everyone, and we eat quietly, as we are all excited to have something different for a change.

I sit along the tree line and watch as the waves wash back and forth, glistening with star light. As culr into a ball to keep myself warm, as I watch the calm waves, let my mind process the past few days, but when I try to all I can see is the children I killed. The axe in her head. The gash in his back that went all the way to his bones. I try to distract myself by listening to the sound of the waves as they splash towards the shore. I wait for the anthem, only one died today, the girl from 6. 'I wonder if she was killed by the careers or if it was an accident?' I get up and walk over to Grey. He nods at me and gets up. I lay down along the tree line, where the dirt and sand meet. When I close my eyes, they sting with tireness. I can't stop picturing the kids from 12. Their dead bodies. It sends a tremble down my spine. I try listening to the waves again. They manage to drift me off to sleep.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now