Thankyou Grey

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Trigger Warning ⚠️: Suicide.
It's not very detailed, but if you don't wanna read it, I'll put a recap at the end.


"Y/N! Wake up! Y/N!" Grey screams in my ear, shaking me awake.
I groan and immediately smell the smoke lingering in the air. 'Fire'. Quickly, I scramble to my feet, wincing from the wave of pain shooting across my body.

My body lunges forward as Grey pulls me along by my hand. I let go as we run quickly, swiftly through the thick, blazing, forest. The fire rages behind us, forcing us towards the Cornucopia field. The tree line is so close. All most in reach. Panting, aching with every step, I follow Grey through the last part of the forest.

As the trees disappear, so does the fire. My body hunches over, my hands on my knees as I gasp for air.

I whip my head up, looking towards the Cornucopia. There's the figure of a boy. Ezra. He stands, ready, waiting for us to attack.

"Ready?" I ask Grey, nodding in the direction of Ezra.
Grey jumps back a bit, "shit! He scared me. Here," he hands me a large knife looking thing, and I take it greatfully. We both sigh, sharing one last glance before walking dramatically towards the other boy.

As we get closer, I look at Grey, and we both nod. Simultaneously, we run at Ezra. He screams as he swings a sword around aimlessly, like a rabid dog. Grey, wielding an axe, throws it at Ezra. The boy hits the weapon out of the way with his sword. As I get closer to Ezra, my large knife connects with his sword, making a clinking noise.

The enemy tribute is launched to the side as Grey pins his body to the ground. His blade pierces through the skin above my eye, cutting through my eyebrow. "We're going to kill you for what you did to Yvette!" Grey shouts, spit flying in Ezras face as he struggles. The district 4 tribute manages to kick Grey off, launching him into the Cornucopia. Groaning, Greys body falls to the ground as he blacks out.

Ezra turns back to me, and I throw my weapon into his body. He steps back a bit, looking down at my blade that is a few inches deep in his chest where his heart is. Screaming, he pulls a knife from somewhere. As Ezra falls, he throws the knife at me. It lands deeply in my lower abdomen.

Pain rips across my body as the knife tears through my skin, sinking into my flesh. My hands shake as I hunch over, reaching to the part where I've been stabbed. I stumble towards the Cornucopia as a cannon sounds. Ezra is dead.

"Grey!" I rasp, leaning my body against the metal as I try to shake his body awake.
He groans, sitting up and looking at me, "Holy shit!"
"We did it," I say, salty blood pouring out of my mouth.
Grey smiles at me sadly.
"You're going home," I tell him.
"No, I'm not. You are."
"Grey," I look at him confused, "I'm going to bleed to death."
He sighs, grabbing a knife from the ground and aiming it at his chest.
"Grey! Grey, no!" I plead him, reaching around his wrists, "what about your family!?"
He smiles sadly again, "I lied."
"What?" I cough, choking on my blood.
"They died. A few years ago. They got sick and croaked," a tear rolls down his cheek, "thank you, Y/N."
"I'm sorry," I say, the world spins as I fight to stay conscious. Giving in, I weakly speak, "Thank you, Grey."

I hear the boys footsteps as he walks around the Cornucopia. Grey screams as he dies by his own hand. I sob as the cannon booms and the Hunger Games finish.

Black dots surround the edges of my vision as my body falls to the side. Tears still pour out of my eyes and blood out of my wound as I lose consciousness.


Recap: So basically, Grey killed himself so Y/N could go home. Since he didn't have family to go back to and she did. Sad, ik, sorry.

Also, sorry it took a long time to update I was in the country for the week. And it was my bday!! I'll be quicker with the next one (yes there is more this isn't the end). Thank again for reading <3.

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