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Finnicks POV
I've been tossing and turning for hours now. All I can think about is Ezra hunting Y/N and killing her. He is stronger, but she's smarter. I can't let her die, but all I can do from the outside is get people to sponsor her. She needs to put on the character we talked about days ago. It feels like months ago that we had that conversation. I squint my eyes open to look at the clock. 12:11am. I sigh and roll over. I worry for Y/N tomorrow, I don't really know anything about her skills with weapons. If she gets a low score, I won't be able to find sponsors, but if she gets a high score, she will be hunted by the careers. I can only hope her allies will help her. I eventually manage to fall asleep even though I feel sick with worry.

I wake up at my usual time of 6:00am and after a quick shower, head to the kitchen. I see Annie sitting at the table by herself.
"Hi," I say as I sit down across from her.
She looks at me, "Hey."
"We didn't really get to meet properly, I'm Y/N."
"I understand why you don't really want to get close to us... I'd probably do the same."
She sighs and looks down, "You guys have the personal training today, right?"
"What are you planning to do?"
"I think I'll probably use a spear or trident, but then again, I could use an axe since I managed to get a few bullseyes yesterday."
"I'd use either the spear or trident then and axe. Keep one of your skills hidden from the other tributes so they don't know your next move."
"Thanks. That's the most helpful someone has been, actually," I smile at her. She smiles back at me.
"Good morning," Teila announces as she enters the room. "Where's those boys? Y/N, will you go wake up Finnick if I get Ezra?"
I nod and walk down the hallway to Finnicks room.

I knock on the door before opening it. He's still in bed, but I can't tell if he's awake or not. I walk closer so I can see his face. He looks cute when he sleeps. I have the urge to climb under the covers and fall asleep on his chest like the other night.
"Hey, Teila says you have to get up now," I tell him, squatting down so I'm at his level.
He mumbles something before saying, "It's too early for that," and rolling over.
"Did I say roll over and go back to sleep? No. I said, it's time to get up," Finnick reminds me of Cory when I have to wake her up in the early mornings. "Up, up, up!" I say in my best Teila imitation.
"Huh?" Finnick rolls back over to face me. "Oh, thank God. I thought you were Teila for a second... don't tell her I said that," he smiles.
I giggle a bit, "so you are awake!"
"Well, I mean, I was only half awake, but seriously, don't tell her I said that."
"I won't, don't worry. But you do have to get up, or I might," I wink.
He chuckles a bit before sitting up, "All right, alright. I'm getting up."
I see him sitting there with no shirt on, I feel my cheeks blush, so I quickly stand up and start walking out the door so he won't see my face.

"Oh wait," I turn around, "I've gotta give this back to you." I reach my hands around my neck, trying to undo the necklace.
"You can keep it," Finnick says, standing up and walking over to me. My eyes gaze over his abs and chest before making their way to his handsome face.
"Really?" I ask, still fiddling with the knot, "are you sure?"
"Yeah, it looks better on you than me anyway," he grabs my hands and takes them away from the knot. He stands for a minute, holding my hands in his.
"Thanks," I smile, "but this doesn't change the fact that you have to get ready so we can have breakfast."
He laughs, and I see a big smile on his face and his dimples that make me blush. "Alright, I'm going," he walks towards the shower. I smile and wave goodbye before walking out the door.


I sit next to Ezra and a boy from district 5 on the benches in the small metal room as we wait to be called for our session.
"Ezranald Corleone, district 4," sounds over the speaker. I watch as Ezra smirks and confidently walks towards the door. I breathe in and out deeply, and my fingers start to tap together. I reach for my necklace and rub my thumb over the smooth shell as I wait for my name to be called. The butterflies swarm in my stomach, but all I can do is take deep breaths.
"Y/N Y/L/N, district 4," announces on the speakers. I stand up, and as my legs shake, I walk towards the doors. I take a deep breath and walk into the gym.

I pretend I'm not nervous. Act like the character they want me to be. I look up at the game makers and sponsors, drinking and eating their meals. I confidently state my name and district. Walking over to the weapons case, I grab out an axe and hold it tightly in my hands as I make my way over to the target. I stand in position. I take a deep breath before swinging the axe over my shoulder. It mygesticly whooshes through the air and hits the bullseye of the target, cracking the wood in the process. I smile proudly to myself and look towards the room of men. They look impressed but not like it's anything new.

I head back to the case and grab a trident. It's got a good grip, much better and stronger than the one I used to use for fishing. It feels natural in my hand. I haven't weilded a trident in over a year, but it feels like yesterday. Walk over to the second target and get ready to throw the trident. I take another deep breath and focus on the wooden target in front of me. I throw the trident with all my force. Releasing it from my hand, the weapon cuts through the air and breaks through the target with a cracking noise. It keeps going and stabs the wall. I see it sticking out of the wall as I smile to myself. I look towards my observers. Their jaws are on the floor. I see the surprise on their faces as they look at me in awe.
"Thank you for your time," I tell them, bowing my head and smirking, "toodles." I wave them goodbye and walk out of the room.


That night, our little district 4 'team' gathered on the couch in front of the TV. I sit next to Finnick and curl up into a ball as we watch the program start. I zone out while Ceaser Flickerman and his other reporter start talking about the tributes this year, however, I start to pay attention when the scores are announced. The districts 1 tributes score a 9 and a 10, I catch Ezra flash me a cocky smirk, I roll my eyes and all back to the screen. Chrys scored a   7. Her districts teammate got an 8. Soon after, it flicks to Ezra and my scores.
"Ezranald Corleone, with a score of 9!" The TV announced. Teila and Finnick congratulate him, patting him on the back and smiling at him. He beams at me with a cocky expression.
'I guess the district 1 tributes aren't stronger than you,' I think to myself.
"Y/N Y/L/N, with a score of 11!" The TV announces. I look at it for a second, thinking I heard wrong.
"Did it just say 11!?" I ask excitedly, my eyes widening in shock.
"Yes, congratulations!" Finnick says with a big smile on his face. I feel myself smile. Teila congratulates me as well, and Annie claps for me. Ezra shoots me a death stare, and I know I'm dead as soon as the games start. In that moment, all I can picture is Corys face when I get killed on live television.

Finnicks POV
That evening, after dinner, when I lay on my bed and can't help but feel like something was off with Y/N. When she first found out her score, she looked so excited and happy, but her face dropped at one point. I decided to go visit her. I make my way through the hallway and to her room. Hesitating for a bit, I eventually knock on the door.
"Who is it?" She asks. It sounds like she's trying her best not to sound like she's hasn't been crying.
"It's Finnick. Can I come in?" I ask.
"Yeah." She responds.
I open the door and walk over to her, laying down next to her on the blue quilt on the bed.
"You ok?" I ask, looking up at the white ceiling.
"No. He's gonna kill me. As soon as he possibly can, Ezra is gonna hunt me down and kill me."
Look over at her to see tears rolling down her cheeks.
"I'm not gonna let him kill you. I'm not gonna let you die." She looks towards me. I look into her eyes, "I promise."

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now