For Cory, For Finnick

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To anyone who reads this, sorry it took so long, and sorry, it's a short chapter. But thank you for reading, I didn't really think anyone would, and every time I see that people have, it feels like Christmas. Anyway, thanks <3.


"Hey, time to get up," I hear Finnicks voice from beside my bed.
I open my eyes to see him sitting next to my bed with his dirty blond curls, "Good morning to you too." I tell him, sleep lining my voice.
He chuckles and rolls his eyes, and I admire his dimples as he smiles. "Alright, time to get up."
"Ok, ok," I sit up, "I'd better give this back to you now," I start undoing the crowie shell necklace.
"No, you keep it."
"But if I die, then you won't ever get it back."
"You're not going to die," I look into his sea green eyes, and he seems so certain.
"Ok." I smile sadly, still looking into his eyes.

Slowly, we inch closer and closer. I can feel my heart beating loudly. I can feel the warmth from his face as the distance between us gets smaller until our lips meet. I can feel his hands on my cheeks, and I reach my arms around his strong neck. I run my hands through his hair as we kiss. This time, I feel more connected and in sink with Finnick as our mouths meet. I don't find myself needing to breathe as we let go, I just smile uncontrollablely at him, and he does the same. We sit in silence for a while because neither of us knows what to say.
"I'll leave so you can get ready," he tells me, breaking the silence and standing up.
I find my stomach aching that he's leaving, but I know I have to get ready, so I let him go after saying, "Thanks." And walking him to the door.


"Goodbye and good luck," Teila says she she give me a hug before I am sent off to the games.
"Thank you," I tell her as I let go.
I hug Annie quickly and thank her for her help with the personal training session.
Then I move on to Finnick. I hug him tightly and fight the tears in my eyes.
"Thank you," I tell him, trying to make sure my voice doesn't quiver.
"You're going to do great, find a spear, or an axe, but don't go too far into the Cornucopia," he whispers to me.
I nod slightly.
"I love you," Finnick whispers into my ear before letting go.

Ezra says his goodbyes, and we are esscourted by a Peacekeeper to the lift. We make our ways onto different planes. I sit there, looking at the other tributes, I manage to spot Yvette. She looks so scared, I wave as her a bit, which gets her attention, and she waves back before we are injected with the trackers.

I find myself, with worry in my stomach, that's making me feel sick, standing bellow the arena with Frelitsa. I get changed into the uniform. The shoes consist of a pair of dark, strong boots with laces that tie in bows at the front. They have a strong grip on the bottom, 'maybe somewhere slippery?' I think as I put them on. Theres also a pair of pants that feel like they're made of the same material as the rain jacket I was given to wear while working at the dock back in 4. The shirt is a long black sleeve with the same collar and red and gold stripes as the training clothes. I am also given a black jumper with a hood and zipper. It also feels like the rain jacket material, but much better quality and a much better fit. Frelitsa twists my hair back into two dutch braids, as I requested, and ties it with two black hairties that I reckon I could use of something later if need be.
"Are you taking this into the games?" Frelitsa asks, holding my necklace in her hand.
"Yes," I answer her with a nod.
"Ok, just let me check it quickly. I don't want you hiding anything. It has to be fair for everyone."

After Frelitsa checks my necklace, I enter the clear tube and wait for it to go up. It starts moving. I wave at Frelitsa. 'For Cory,' I think as I wave goodbye, 'For Finnick.'

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now