First Impressions

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My skin feels like it's burning after the warm wax had been ripped off. I don't really know how much more I can take. Once the people running around me, ripping off unwanted pieces of hair from ever part of my body, cleaning my skin, applying other unknown substances, as well as poking and probing for the past 2 and a half hours, were happy with their work, they announced that my stylist would be here in a minute. After waiting a few minutes, the doors swung open and a group of 3 women emerged. Their leader, obviously the main stylist walked over to me and reached her hand towards my face.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. It's-" I'm cut off by the leader.
"My name is Frelitsa. I am your stylist and I must say, you have given me a beautiful face to start with," she says while pulling at my cheek.
"Much better than last year," one of the other women in her possy comments and they all start to laugh.
"Up, up. Give us a look at the rest of you," Frelitsa says, taking a step back.
'Here we go I guess,' I think, sighing and standing up. I spin around, letting them scan every inch of my body. They looked like birds, scanning the water to see the fish so they can catch them and eat them.
"Well, if I had time, I would make some alterations. But no time for that!" The stylist announces as she pokes at my body while I stand there, feeling awkward as I wonder how to respond to her comment. "Moving on," she says, "let's strip her down and get her changed into costume."

After ages of changing clothes and doing make up and hair, I am allowed to look into the mirror. I see a person that I don't even recognise as myself due to the bright blue eyeshadow and long, dark lashes. My eyes trail down to my outfit staring with my hair which has been straightend and had different shades of blue and turquoise streaks added. I also realise they peirced my ears in many different places. The earings are different types of shells and fish. My eyes then move onto my chest which is bearly covered. I have turquoise coloured shells just big enough to cover my nipples as well as some other small shells scattered along my breasts. They are also covered in a fishing net material that is cut in a v-shape and ties behind my neck. It might as well not be there because it doesn't cover anything. I gulp quitely as my eyes trail down to my skirt. I must say it did have beautiful colours, however, it is a semi see through material. The skirt itself was layed in different shades of blue and turquoise until the end of the skirt, which was the same net material as the top. Thankfully, the top of the skirt is layered on quite thick and is not see through like the rest of it. The back of it hangs down to my ankles but the front stops half way between my croch and knees. I also had on matching see through blue heels that were tricky to walk in due to being so high, but I got the hang of it eventually.

I walk out into the foyer and see the other tributes costumes. As I look around, I feel sick thinking about how children are being non-consentaly sexualised for the entertainment of other people. I see Annie, Finnick, Ezra, Teila and Ezras stylist standing in a group, so I decide to join them. I cross my arms over my chest to try and keep myself hidden as much as possible.
"Hi guys," I say joining the group. I guess I'm not covering much becuase I see Annie's eyes widen in shock.
My and Ezras stylist look at each other and smile with glee, saying how we look great together and how they will be famous after this.
All Finnick manages to say is, "Wow." And when I look at his face he seems upset so I turn to look at Ezras costume. He isn't wearing a shirt but doesn't seem uncomfortable. His pants are made of the same blue material as my skirt. However, it has the net material layer on the top, hanging down to his knees. He smirks slightly and walks away, and goes to talk to the other caree tributes after a minute or two. I stand there feeling awkward as ever, practically naked in front of everyone.

I see Teila walkibg away with the Frelitsa and Ezras stylist qhile complimenting them on their styling skills. Finnick looks angry as he walks over to them. I can't hear much of what he says, but he doesn't sound too happy, all I managed to pick up was Finnick saying something about me. Frelitsa snaps back that she is the stylist, not him, and walks off in a huff. While I watched Finnick, Annie must have walked away because I couldn't see her anywhere. I begin walking back and forth, biting my lip and tapping my middle finger and thumb together, which is something I've always done when nervous. I feel a warm hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. I look up to see Finnick looking at me with a worried expression.
"You ok?" He asks.
"Yeah, yeah, just a bit nervous is all," I respond, still tapping my fingers together, "care to explain what that little conversation with Frelitsa was about?"
"I- I just wanted to remind them that your all kids and that you shouldn't be wear what you are." I droop my head slightly but thank him for standing up for me. He reaches his hand for my chin and pulls by head up to face him, "Hold still, I've got something to give you."

Finnick reaches his warm hands behind his neck and un-does something. He then reaches it around my neck. I feel his strong hands brush the back of my neck, which for some reason makes my fingers stop tapping. He moves in closer while he ties the knot, and I can feel his warm breath on my face. Once finished, he steps back slightly. Finnick places his hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes. I look into his and imagine myself grabbing his face and kissing his perfect, pink lips. But he snaps me out of my thoughts by saying, "It's for good luck. You don't need it but you can have it anyway." He smiles, "Also a little reminder of home, I got it from the beach back in four," I can see his cheeks blush slightly which makes a smile creep across my face and my cheeks blush as well.
"Thanks," I tell him.
"10 minutes! time to get onto the carriages!" Announces on of the Peacekeepers.
Finnick holds my hand, helping me onto the carriage. Ezra and my stylists make some final adjustments. Before I know it, districts 1, 2 and 3 have gone and our carriage starts to move and we emerge onto the tracks.

The lights almost blind me as the carriage moves through the area. I put on a big smile, wave and blow kisses at the audience. They roar as we go past and I can hear them shouting something. I takes me a second to realise they're shouting my name, "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" The shouts fill my ears, and I smile even harder. I quickly look over at Ezra and see the jealously smudging his face. It honestly makes me a bit happy to see him jealous.

The horses gather with the other districts' carriages. We wait for a moment before President snow walks out. I look up and can see him, but not clearly.
The crowd settles as he begins to talk, "Hello and welcome to the 73rd Annal Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favour!" I zone out of his speech and think about how the ceremony didn't go as badly as I had thought. I still feel highly uncomfortable with my body on display for all of Panem to see. But it wasn't like I could do much about it. I began to think about Cory watching from home. I hoped she was OK. I couldn't let myself cry right now so held back my tears until the ceremony was over.
'I think I did pretty well, maybe I do have a chance to see Cory again,' I think, looking up at Snow as I plundered on the question of if I could win.

Finnicks POV
As I stand in a group with Teila, Annie and Ezra, I spot Y/N walking over.
"Hi guys," she says as she joins the group.
I look up at her and see that she has her arms crossed over her chest, I assume she has bearly anything on underneath. It makes me feel so sorry for all the children that have been non-consentaly sexualised by the Capitol, myself included. All I can manage to say through the shock of what she is wearing is, "Wow!"

Teila, Ezra and Y/Ns stylists walk off to compliment each other and discuss what the kids will be wearing for the interviews. I follow them angrily.
"What the fuck Frelitsa?" I quietly ask as I apply the group, "why is Y/N half naked? She clearly is not comfortable!"
"She is not half naked! She is completely covered. She will get many sponsors this way, if you ask me, I'm helping her out." Frelitsa wasn't wrong, this would get Y/N lots of sponsors but not for the right reasons, she continues talking, "either way, I need not remind you, I am the stylist not you!" She turns and walks away in a huff.

I turn back to look at Y/N who is walking back and forth, I notice she's biting her lip and tapping her finger together. I walk over to her and ask if she's OK. I try to comfort her during our conversation but I don't think I'm very good at it. I decide to give her one of my necklaces that I think would suite her really well.

I reach my hands behind my neck and undo a piece of leather that attaches to a cowrie shell. I reach my hands behind her cold neck, lightly brushing it as I struggle to do up the necklace without catching any of her hair. I can feel the warmth radiating from her body onto mine as I continue to do up the knot. Once I finish, I smile proudly to myself and step back. I place my hands onto her shoulders and look deep into her eyes. I almost get lost in them when I realise it must be awkward for her, me just standing here looking to her eyes. "It's for good luck. You don't need it but you can have it anyway." I can feel my face smile uncontrollablely, "Also a little reminder of home, I got it from the beach back in four," I add. I can feel my face blush and I see her pretty smile creep over face and her cheeks blush slightly. She thanks me before the Peacekeepers announce that theres only 10 minutes and that the tributes need to get onto the carriages.

I hold Y/Ns hand and help her into the carriage before the stylist finalise the outfits and the carriages start moving. I watch on the screen backstage as Ezra and Y/N wave at the audience. I can see Y/N blowing kisses. The crowd roars as the carriage goes past. I can hear them shouting her name as the carriage passes. I smile as I realise that because the crowd loves her, Y/N has more of a chance than Ezra.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now