Was it quick?

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My body feels weak and tired as I reluctantly open my eyes. The sun is being shielded by the leaves, but it still burns my eyes. My hold my hand up to try and block it out. I can see the scabs on my fingers. My heart stings as I think about Chrys.

"You're awake!" I whip my head to the side to see Grey smiling at me. I scurry backwards quickly. Fear overrides my body as I wonder if I can trust Grey. Feeling a tree behind me, I look intently at the other tribute.
"I'm not going to hurt you," Grey tells me, holding his hands up. "If I wanted to, I would have already. But no, in fact, I did the opposite." He sounds almost offended.
My eyes scan my body to see bandages on my leg, above my knee, and my wrists, "sorry," I say to him, "I just- I. Sorry."
"It's alright. You got a few sponsor gifts while you where out. It was 2 days if you were wondering. There's some notes as well."
"What did I get?"
"Some of this cream. I put some on the cuts on your wrists yesterday. You also go some bandages. Oh, and there's also these," he passes me a thermis and a water bottle, as well as the capsule with the cream. Grey also passes me the notes. I read through them quickly. The first one reads,'A reminder of home - F'. 'Must be the Crab.' The second one says 'I told you I wouldn't let you die - F'. A tear falls from my eye as I remember his promise. The third message says,'Be more careful next time. Ok? - F'
"Thank you," I whisper.

Undoing the bandages around my wrists, I reveal that the cuts have disappeared. A shocked smile covers my face. I look up at Grey. He looks shocked as well.
"Put some of this on your cut on your side," I tell him, passing the cream. He nods and takes the capsule. My hands grip the edges of the thermis and open it. A wonderful smell escapes into the air.
"What is it?" Grey asks as he applies the cream. It's almost empty.
"It's Crab. It's really good, I haven't had any since reaping day," there's a pause as I enjoy the smell, Coras face flashing in my mind, "you can use all the cream. It's not like I'm going to be able to put it on this cut. it's too deep." I gesture my leg.
After using the cream, Grey and I share the crab and water.

"What are we going to do about Ezra?" I ask as we eat.
"We'll have to hunt him down, I guess. Or he will hunt us, and we wait? But then the game makers are going to want a final fight, so they will push us closer and closer," Grey responds.
"True. So should we just head to the Cornucopia to fight him?"
"It would avoid them pushing us closer."
"Righto. So tomorrow morning?"
He nods sadly.

My eyes scan the night sky as I wait for the anthem to play so I can swap with Grey. Eventually, the blue light shines into the sky, and the anthem plays. Chrys's face appears in my mind. All I can hear is her screams and begs for help as I choked her to death. A tear falls from my eye as I look up.

"Yvette wanted you to know something. She wanted me to tell you thank you for everything," Grey tells me from behind. His voice is sad and shaky, and I can see tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Was it quick?" I ask, despitely holding back the tears in my eyes.
"Yeah. Thank you for making sure I got out of there."
"I'd do you again a million times." I smile at him.
"Well, it's my turn to take watch," he gets up and leans against a tree. I find a spot to go to sleep. My eyes close quickly, and before I know it, I'm asleep.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now