Wake up

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Beep... beep... beep.

My vision slowly becomes clearer as I look as the white and blue world around me. Weakly, I glance at the wires and tubes connecting to me, piecering my skin. Exhaling slowly, the door opens and someone walks in.

A small girl with long black hair and a long blue dress stands by the end of my bed. She briefly looks up from her clipboard, before looking back down at it.

"Miss Y/L/N," she starts, "congratulations on winning the 73rd hunger games."

A tear rolls down my cheek but I can't manage to wipe it away. Everything is too heavy. Or maybe I'm too weak?

"The cuts on your body should be mostly healed by now. However, the one in your stomach hasn't healed yet. And your stylist want to keep the one on your face as a signature scar."

I gulp. My stomach felt sick and I would've vomited if it weren't for the tubes.

"Now, your stylists will be here in a moment to get you ready for the interview."

The group of stylist arrived and dressed me up like a barbie doll, changing my hair, my nails, my make up, my clothes at least 10 times. I feel like their doll. Like a puppet. Something they can change whoever they wish.

I was pushed on stage. The lights were blinding. The cameras focused on my face. I wanted to die. This should've been Grey, not me. I held back the tears from rolling down my cheeks. At least now I could see Cory and Finnick.

"How did you feel when your friend sacrificed his life for you?" Ceaser asked.

My eyes darted to the massive screens above the audience. The image of Grey holding that knife into his stomach, and his throat... the blood- I peeled my eyes away, turning to face Ceaser. 'Remember, it's an act.'

"I miss my friend dearly. Without him, I wouldn't be here today," I paused, 'time to wrap this shit up, I don't give a flying fuck if it's time to finish.' "Honestly, without my amazing stylist crew, the fellow tributes, my mentors, everyone one involved and you my amazing audience, I wouldn't be here tonight. I would like to say thank you."

The audience cheered and clapped but my heart stung, plunging deeper into my stomach.

"Well, thank you Miss Y/N Y/L/N!" Ceaser announced, standing me up and kissing my hand.

Together, we waved the audience goodbye and I walked off stage.

The world was spinning and I leaned my hand on the wall for support. My vision was starting to blur. The ground was coming closer and closer, and there was nothing I could do about it. My body hit the cold floor and I blacked out.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now