Day 6

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Dunking my head under the sea water, I can feel the cold liquid encasing my body, waking me up. Feeling more alert, I swim carefully towards a ground of fish. I launch my spear quickly in their direction. It pierces through one of the fish, and the others swim in all different directions. I feel at home as I swim towards the shiny spear and the dead fish.

My hands reach sound the handle of the spear, and I pull it upwards as I push off the ocean floor and launch myself towards the air. I stick my head out of the water and look at the shore. Everyone is safe, and still. Going undereater again, I swiftly move towards the shoreline. My feet reach for the sandy ground, and I force my head above the water.

Blood. Shouting. Fear. Fighting. A bloodbath erupts on the shore. My eyes dance over the people as I watch Grey, Yvette, and Chrys fight the Career pack. My body runs through the water. My feet reach the shore, and I run at full speed towards the tribute attacking Grey. I plunge my spear into his chest. I hear him let out a loud screm as blood spews out of the hole in his body and onto my shirt and up my arms. He grabs for a knife and swings it viciously at my body. My arm stings as his knife cuts deeply through the skin. I let out a cry and force the spear deeper into him body, twisting it.
"Help!" His cry is like nails down a chalkboard, as he spits blood into my face.
I jump off the career and pull my spear from his chest. He is still swinging the knife at me as I step backwards so he can't reach me. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I take a deep breath. 'No time to think about this now.'

Someone lets out a blood-curdling scream. I whip my head in the direction. Yvette stands with a knife in her stomach, and a growing puddle of blood on her shirt. Ezra stands in front of her, pulling the knife from her small body. I watch as Grey rushes towards her, swinging his axe at the career. I bolt towards them, aiming my spear at Ezra. It cuts his arm, and he cries in pain as he clutes the deep cut with his hand.
"Go!" I scream at Grey, "Get her out of here! Chrys and I will handle this!"
He looks back at me with fear in his eyes.
"Go! I'll be fine," I tell the boy. He nods and pulls Yvette into the forest.

I face Ezra and see a mischievous grin covers his face. He let's out a small laugh. My heart races as I question why he is laughing. I look at him with a puzzled expression as he launches his body at me, landing a fist in my face. I feel blood seeping out of my nose as I try to stab him with my spear. Someone runs behind me , holding back my arms. I scream and kick behind me as they hold me back. Ezras fist hits my face again. He hits me swiftly again. The world goes black, and I feel a sense of relief fill my body as I black out.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now