Training days 2 and 3

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"Hey guys!" I waved at Grey and Yevett while making my way into the training room. "You wanna head over to the weapons area from so I can teach you how to throw a knife?"

They nod in agreement, and we make our way over to the weapons area.

Grabbing a throwing knife, I start explaining how to use it, "So you hold it like this," I show Yvette and Grey. "It's pretty much the same motion at an axe, but there is less force needed." I hold it over my shoulder and stand with my feet shoulder width apart, and with my right foot in front. I throw the knife, and it whizzes through the air, making a whooshing sound. It goes straight through the target bullseye and drops out the other side, making a loud 'clank' noise on the metal floor.

My eyes widen in surprise. It didn't surprise me that I hit the bullseye, considering I have to catch fish with knives every other day, so I'd say I'm pretty good at it. But it does surprise me that it went right through the wooden target.

I look to my side and see Yvette and Greys jaws drop, and they clap for me as I retrieve the knife. I also catah the other tributes looking both surprised and fearful of me.

I hand it to Yvette. She does what I told her, and the knife flies through the air, hitting the target. Yvette face fills with excitement and shock as she says, "Oh my lord! Wow! Thanks."
"Good job, Yvette," I respond. All three of us practise at the weapons station until lunch. We move from the targets to the holograms to challenge ourselves more. I'd say I have a pretty good idea of how to use an axe now.

At lunch, we sit at the same table as yesterday, and Yvette tells us about her family, consisting of a younger brother, mum, and dad. She tell us about how their dad built their house and it isn't much, but they are happy. She is interrupted by a girl with brunette hair that is tied in a high ponytail.
"Would it be alright if I sit here?" She asks.
I look at Grey and Yvette, who both nod, "Sure," I tell her
A smile fills her face as she sits down next to me and opposite Yvette, "I'm Crystal from District 2."
"Isn't that a career district?" Grey asks suspiciously.
"Yeah, but since I'm 18, none of the careers volunteered for me," Crystal says with a sad expression.
"I feel ya," I say, looking at her, "no one volunteered for me either."
"I tried to join their group, but they kicked me out yesterday when they found out I'm not at a career." she looks upset.
"It's ok, you can stay with us for now. Do you have any special skills that you could teach us?" Yvette asks.
"I can use a sword pretty well," she responds, cheering up a bit.
"Great, I'll teach you how to cook if you teach us how to sword fight?" Yvette holds out her hand, waiting for Crystal to shake it.
"Deal," the older girl says, shaking Yvettes hand.

During lunch, we introduce ourselves to Crystal, who says we can just call her Chrys. After lunch, Yvette teaches us how to cook some foods with a little amount of ingredients, and Chrys teaches us the basics of sword fighting.

"So, are we allies?" I ask Yvette and Grey before we leave at the end of the day.
"If you want," says Grey.
"Yep, and we'll see if Chrys joins us tomorrow, and then maybe we can invite her too?" Yvette chimes in. Grey and I nod before saying goodbye and going our separate ways.


That night, I had a dream about the day my mum died. I remember it vividly. She was shot by a Peacekeeper, I was 11. It was my fault.

It was a rainy day, and I was watching from the window as Mum was walking home from the bar after curfew. I ran outside to see her.
"Mum!" I shouted at her, catching the Peacekeepers attention, "Mum hurry up! It's after curfew!"
"Oh sweetly," she slurred, "it's fineee, they can't hurt me!"
"Ma'am," a Peacekeeper started as he made his way towards us," you are out after curfew," the Peacekeeper continued telling my mother in her drunken state, holding her arm back so she couldn't walk away.
"No, I'm not!" She giggled, "You can't tell me what to do." She glared at the Peacekeeper. Suddenly she threw punches at him and he got angry and forced her to the ground.
"Mum!" I shouted, running over to her as she lay in the mud. "I'm sorry, Mr Peacekeeper, it won't happen again."
"She is out after curfew and assaulted an officer," another Peacekeeper said, approaching us.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I cried.

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