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"Up, up, up! You have your interviews today!" Teila announces, prancing around my room, clapping her hands loudly.

After breakfast, I am sent to my stylist who prepare me for the interviews in a few hours.
"Sit down in this chair for me," Frelitsa says, gesturing the velvent chair in the middle of the dressing room. I sit down and let them do my make-up, dye my hair with the same dye as the inital ceremony, only this time I am told its permanent. They continue to style my body to their liking, poking and proding, editing, and changing until they're happy. I feel sick as I think about how I'm just their doll to be played with.

Once they finish, they leave the room, and I am left alone in the chair. I make my way to the grand, rectangular mirror and look at myself. Thankfully, my makeup is a natural look with no bright colours. My hair is styled into loose curls with a few stray plaits mixed in. My dress is held up by noodle straps and reaches quite low on my chest, allowing for the top of my breasts to be shown. The dress falls to my ankles, but it has slits at the front that go up to the top of my thighs. The material is a light blue colour made of silk. I must admit that it is a beautiful dress. However, I don't feel very comfortable having this much of my body on display for all of Panem to see. I smile and wink into the mirror, trying to act the characters I am about to put on for the interview.

'Knock, knock!'
"Can I come in?" I hear Finnicks voice from behind the door.
"Yep," I say, still acting in the mirror.
I hear the door open and close, "You look gorgeous." He says with a smile.
"Thanks," respond, not taking my eyes off my face in the mirror.
"Watcha doing?" He asks, making his way over to the mirror so he's standing behind me. He leans down to rest his chin on my shoulder. I admire his broad shoulders and golden curls before answering his question.
"Figuring out how to act for my interview."
He places his strong hands on my waist, turning me around by the waist, and sighs, "You're going to do great, Y/N." He smiles sadly.
The door opens a bit, Finnick lets go of my waist and I step back a bit, "The show starts in 5, you need to get out here," Teila says, poking her head into the room.

Finnick and I enter the foyer with the other tributes in it. I look over at Ezra, who is wearing a dark blue, velvet suit with a light blue rose in the pocket. My fingers start tapping together as I look up at the screen, watching the beginning of the show. Finnick reaches his hand into mine, my finger stops tapping as I hold his warm hand. I watch as the tributes start walking out onto the stage. 'Flirty and bubbly,' I tell myself as my interview edges closer and closer.

"Time to go," an older man approaches me, he walks me up the stairs, "just wait here," he whispers as we approach the edge of the stage. I stand by the hot, orange lights, waiting for my cue to walk on stage.

"Now presenting the lovely Y/N Y/L/N from district 4!" Ceaser Flickerman announces, and I start strutting onto the stage. I wave at the audience and plaster a big smile on my face. I blow a kiss as the crowd roars and calls my name. I hear clapping a whistles through their shouts. "Well, why don't you look just amazing. Don't you think audience?" Ceaser asks the crowd after they had settled. The crowd explodes with claps and whistles again.
"Why, thank you," I answer, plastering a smile on my face, "it's all thanks to my lovely stylist crew. Without them, I don't know what I would do."
"Give us a spin, Y/N," Ceaser tells me. I spin around so the crowd can see every side of my outfit. The crowd claps and shout happily as I turn to face them again. Ceaser and I sit down, and the crowd begins settling. "So, Y/N, you scored an 11! Wow, you have some amazing skills with your trident. How did you learn those?" He asks.
"My older sister taught me. I had to catch a lot of fish back home, so I would say I'm pretty good at. Almost as good as I am with catching the boys, if I may say." I try to hide how much I cring at the last sentence.
The Ceaser and crowd explode with laughter. I smile and laugh along with them, adding a wink at the end.
"So you've got an older sister, anyone else cheering for you at home?"
"I've got my 3 other siblings."
"3 more! Do you have a favourite?" Ceaser jokes.
"I'd have to say my younger sister, but don't tell the others," I continue the joke. The crowd and Ceaser laugh again, which surprises me because it really isn't that funny. It's just cringey.
"As you said, you are pretty good at catching the boys back home. It seems that you've caught one here. So be honest with us: Is there anything happening between you and Finnick."
"Oh, no, no, there's nothing going on. He's just my mentor."
"Be honest with us, Y/N," Ceaser says, looking towards me, then the audience who are sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for my answer. "You two have been getting pretty close." I look up at the screen to see photos of Finnick and I together on the screen.
"Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see when I win the games," I wink at the audience and continue to smile. Ceaser reaches for my hand and gives it a kiss before standing up.
"Well, thank you for your time today, Y/N!"
"No, thank you, Ceaser, and you lovely audience!" I curtsey quickly before walking stage right, waving and blowing a kiss to the audience who are cheering for me. Some are even calling my name. As I get to the edge of the stage, I stop and pose, winking at the audience before strutting off. I can hear them roaring as I'm esscourted back stage by a Peacekeeper.

I wait backstage with the other tributes while I watch as Ezra comes on stage. And I watch as he fluently speaks to Ceaser about how he will win the games. I watch as Yvette and Greys interviews come on. Yvette reminds me of Cory as she speaks to Ceaser without a worry in the world. Grey seems like he's trying to hide his worry. I feel sorry for him as he struggles to answer the questions. After everyone is finished, we all go back on stage for the finale. I stand next to Ezra and the boy from District 3, we all bow, and the show finishes. All the tributes are ushered backstage.

Once we are backstage, I manage to make my way over to Grey and Yvette.
"Y/N! You got an 11!" Yvette tells me excitedly.
"Yeah, it was a lucky shot," I smile back at her.
"You don't get an 11 by luck. You get an 11 with skill," Grey tells me.
"Yeah, I was lucky to get a 7," Yvette tells me with a smile that smothers her sad expression.
"It's ok, you tried your hardest," Grey tells her, bending down to give her a side hug. The Peacekeepers interrupt our conversation by forcing us and the other tributes into the lifts so we can go back to our levels in the building.

I stand in the lift with Ezra. An awkward silence fills the glass box as it takes us up to our floor.
"So, Y/N" Ezra starts, "how'd you actually get thay high score?"
"What?" I question him, "are you accusing me of cheating?"
"Well, how else could you get an 11?"
"Using my own skills."
He laughes, "you could never," he turns to face me.
"Could so!" I turn to face him, 'I can't fight in this dress. This is gonna end badly,' I think to myself as I death stare the boy.
I see him glaring down into my eyes, "I can't wait to see you in the arena. You won't last one second."
"Ha, says you! You'll die in the blood bath!"
"Not before I kill you!"
"I'd like to see you try!"

The lift dings, and we turn away from each other. The doors open, and we walk onto our floor. 'Holy shit! I am so dead,' I think as we walk towards the table.
"Ezra, Y/N, you were amazing, just stunning," Teila congratulates us as we sit down and sit at the table.
"Thanks," I tell her as I grab some food.
"You did really well, you two," Finnick joins in, also grabbing some food. Ezra and I thank both him and Teila before being told to run along to bed because we have a big day tomorrow.


I walk out of the bathroom door, a cloud of steam following me as I enter my bedroom.
"Heyyy? Watcha doing here?" I ask the boy with golden curls who lays on my bed.
"I just wanted to make sure you were alright," he tells me as he sits up.
"Really? Or did you just wanna come see me?" I tease.
"Bit of both," Finnick responds.
I smile and climb onto the bed next to him.
"I need you to give this to my family when I die." I reach over to my bedside table and hand him a letter addressed to Cory and the others.
"I've already told you, I'm not going to let you die, Y/N," Finnick looks into my eyes with an expression of sadness on his face.
"There's only so much you can do. I just need you to give this to them. You saw them on the reaping day, right?" I start to cry a bit, "and tell Cory I love her." I hand him the letter. Finnick pulls me into a hug, and I once again cry onto his broard shoulder.
"Ok, I will. But I will also do everything to keep you safe in that arena."

After a while, I pull away from him, and he wipes the tears from my cheeks. I look longingly into his eyes as he looks down at me. We slowly edge closer together. I can feel the warmth of his hands on my face. He leans closer to me. I close my eyes and feel his lips meet mine. I kiss him back, and our lips collide as I reach my arms around his neck and run my hands through his sliky hair. I can hear my heart beating in my ears and feel the butterfiles in my stomach. We both gently pull away, I let go of him, and he takes his strong hands off my face. I can see that his face is bright red. I smile uncontrollablely and can feel the heat radiating from my face.
"I think that's against the rules," he tells me with a smile, I laugh. "I'd better let you get to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." He gets up.
"Thanks for everything. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Y/N" He walks out the door.

I smile to myself as I turn the lights out and I climb into bed. I think about his lips meeting mine. It makes my stomach flutter, and my heart race just thinking about it. I fall asleep as I think about how I have to win the games, not just for Cory now, for Finnick too.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now