The Reaping

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"Remeber, you say your name then they print your finger and you'll go over and stand with the 12 year olds, ok?" I tell Cory as we near the front of the line. Cory is squeezing my hand so hard I think it might fall off so I pull her into a hug and place a reassuring kiss on her forehead. Once we reach the front of the line Cory bearly flinches when her finger is pricked and I watch as she walks towards the 12 year old section befoe I lose her in the crowd of people. I make my way to the 16 year old area and wait for the crowd to steele and the reaping to begin. While I wait, I look at the mentors standing on the stage. There was Annie Cresta, winner of the 70th Hunger games. She had mid length straight hair, and she looked small and scared, like if anything startled her she might run away. And there stood Finnick Odair, winner of the 68th games at just 14. He looked so proud and cocky with his grin and dimples that make me melt, and his perfect dirty blond wavy hair, I wonder how long it took then to get that just right. I like more girls did have a crush on him, however, I really didn't like his flirty, cocky personality but then again, it's probably just for the audience and I did wonder what his was actually like.

"Hello and welcome!" Our district esccourt announces, as she walks onto the stage, snapping me out of my thoughts. She is wearing a bright blue dress with puffy sleaves and skirt that had dark blue glitten at the ends, she had straight white hair that went to her shoulders and blue lipstick and eye shadow to match the dress the ended just above her knees. "Happy Hunger Games, my the odds be ever in your favour!"
'More like, my the odds be never in our favour,' I think to myself before watching the video and listening to her annual speech about district 13 and the treaty. I only begin to pay attention again when the esccourt began the reaping.
"How about we do the boys first this year for a change?" The crowd did not answer in any form, the woman moved on and walked over the the fish bowl and pick out a name, "Gorka Blois!"
After a while, 14 year old boy with tears in his eyes begins stepping out from the crowd before a 18 year old, presumably a career announced he would volunteer. The 18 year old, with a big, cocky smile, made his way to the stage.
"And what is your name?" The esscourt asked him.
"Ezranald Corleone," he announces.
"A round of applause for Mr Corleone!"
The boy looks to the cameras and smiles widely, he looks almost genuinely happy to be sent off to his death. Once again, the woman on stage snaps me out of my thoughts, "now for the girls," she continues, moving towards the bowl and pulling out a name. "Y/N Y/L/N!"

My heart drops into my stomach. I felt sick. My heart races. Knees wobble. Hands sweat. I can see people shuffling away from me as my legs begin to move towards the stage. 'Act confident now, you need to start the act early,' I tell myself, I've watch enough of the games to know that the audience want a character they like, not some scared little kid. I fix my posture and put on a smile before emerging from the crowd. I confidently walk up to the stage and stand next to the esccourt.

As the woman finishes her speech I look out at the crowd to see Corys' face, she is balling her eyes out, I see Stevie in the adults section, as usual, he looks as if he doesn't have a care in the world. I also manage to spot Ari and Dev who look like they could pass out at any second. Ezranald and I shake hands, we lock eyes for a second and I can see he doesn't look very impressed by me. I don't give it much thought becuaee we are ushered back stage to say our goodbyes.

I wait in the room, pacing back and forth, biting on my nail. Waiting, waiting for Cory. Waiting for Stevie. Waiting for Ari. Waiting for Dev. Waiting for the moment to pass. Cory bursts into the room with tears in her red eyes and runs to hug me. I return the hug and rub reassuring circles into her back.
"You- you have to win! You have to!" She says between tears, "find a spear, or a trident, or- or a knife. You spear fish with those, you'll know what to do!"
"Shh, shhh, shh. It's gonna be alright, ok? I'll be fine. Keep selling your nets. You can use my spear for fish if you need. Ok?" I know I won't be ok but I can't say that to Cory. I let go of her and walk over to Stevie, Ari and Dev. "You have to take care of her! Ok!?" I try not to shout or argue in front of Cory but this time there's no other option.
Stevie nods before looking down. Ari and Dev stand with no emotions on their faces.
"You three need to pull you shit together. No more drinking, I know that it numbs the pain but you can't! I know you all blame me for what happened to mum but she's not me ok?" I say pointing at Cory, "Take care of her!" I'm practically pleading my siblings now.
"OK. Fine, not for you though. For her." Ari says.
I nod before turning back to hug Cory, she cries into my shoulder and for the first time since my name was called, I allow myself to cry as well. A Peacekeeper barges into the room and says that time is up.
"I love you," I whisper into Corys' ear as I let go of her and the Peacekeepers drag her away.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now