Training Day 1

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My eyes open to the artificial sunlight created from the Capitols' advanced lights. I sit up quickly, "shit, shit, shittttt," I whisper, quickly ripping the covers off and placing my feet on the cool floor, "I'm late for wor- oh." The realisation hits me like a slap across my face. Honestly, I wish I was late for work. My eyes dart around the room, 'how'd I get here?' I wonder, 'last I remember I was in the kitchen next to a window. Did I imagine that?' I stand up and walk over to look in the mirror in the corner of the room. It's a long mirror, so I can see all of my body. My eyes wander to look at the necklace I'm wearing. It's a beautiful pink carry shell with bits of sand colour around the edges. It's tied it a leather string and around my neck. A smile creeps across my face, remembering how Finnick had put it on my the other day. I remember the feel of his warm breath on my face and the expression on his face as he tied the knot. He looked so proud of himself. He looked so cute trying so hard. I notice I'm blushing like crazy. I turn around, hiding my face from myself. I turn back to the mirror and examine the dye in my hair. I decide I'll try to wash it out in the shower, 'I wonder if any of the different buttons will help?'

My feet feel the cold tiles as I step into the large glass box to have a shower, my hands press buttons that turn on the warm water, and it runs down my skin. I place my head under the water, and it starts to turn blue because of the dye coming out. It makes the shampoo and conditioner blue as well. I try using the different settings to get it out, but it doesn't really work, so I give up.

After my shower, I head to the kitchen and sit down at the table in my usual spot, next to Ezra.
"Morning, Ezra," I say as I take my seat. Once again, he looks at me with an almost disgusted expression. "Seriously, nothing again? How rude." I look away and grab a plate.
"Don't call me rude. I could crush you with my finger if i wanted to," He says in a menising tone.
"Oh, so he does speak," I say sarcasticly.
"Just wait for the games, I will kill you,"
"I'd like to see you try."
"Children! There is no need for that! There will be enough time for fighting the arena." I don't look, but I knew that Teila was talking to us as she walked into the room. Ezra and I are now both standing up, glaring into each other's eyes, ready to fight. "Children! Sit down!" Teila was practically shouting now. We both sat down slowly and went back to eating.

"Good morning, everyone," Finnick says, entering the room.
"Hi," I say, looking towards him.
"Did I miss something? Seems a bit tense in here," He asks.
"These two we're about to rip each other to spread before I walked in," Telia says, gesturing Ezra and I.
"Oh," Finnicks face fills with worry as he sits down.

We eat in silence for a while before Teila starts talking about what will happen today. "You have outfits to change into that have been placed in your rooms. They will go through some rules when you get there."
Ezra and I both nod at her.
"And no fighting." She reminds us.
"Where's Annie?" I ask as I notice she hasn't attended breakfast.
"I'm not sure, I'll go check in with her in a minute," Finnick responds.
"Is she ok? She seems, umm, like shaken up or worried. I don't know how to explain it," I ask.
"Yeah, she gets like this every year. It brings up bad memories. I don't blame her. Her games were pretty awful," Finnick says, looking down at his food.

After breakfast, Ezra and I retreat back to our rooms to get changed for the training later. The outfits are a pair of black 3/4 leggings with red and gold lines down the sides. The tops are black t-shirts with a collar and a black zipper that goes down like a v-neck shirt. The shirts have the same red and gold stips down the sides, and the collar is also red with gold at the bottom. On the sleaves, there are also white circles with the number 4 in them. I put the clothes on and braid my hair in two dutch braids with some black hairties that I found in the walk-in robe. I tuck the necklace into the shirt, 'I really need to give it back,' I think.

'Knock! knock!'
"Ready to go Y/N?" I hear Telias voice behind the door.
"Yep, coming," I say, walking towards the door.

Teila and I walked into the main room to meet with Ezra and Finnick before heading down.
"Is Annie ok?" I ask as I approach Finnick.
"She'll be alright. She just needs some time," he says, looking down at me.
"Shall we go?" Telia asks, walking towards the lift. We all enter the lift and head down to the training arena.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now