Day who even knows now?

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I eyes open slowly. I can feel rope holding my hands and legs together. Lifting my throbbing head up, I can feel the pain in my body as I look around. I see Chrys, Ezra, and two other tributes looking at me.
"What?" I ask weakly, confusion engulfing my mind, "Chrys, wha- what are you doing?"
She smiles widely and laughs a bit, walking over to me so her face is close to mine, "You really thought I was your friend?"
My heart drops, "I- I but. But why didn't you just kill me before? You had tons of chances?" I ask her, my voice quivering with every word.
"We wanted your death to be slow and painful, you know, for your 'not fling'," Ezra tells me, doing the bunny ears when he says 'not fling'.
"Finnick and I are not roo-" I'm interrupted.
"We should kill her now!" Another girl chimes up. Ezra and Chrys back up so they can talk more privately.
"No, her friend will come to save her. We need to wait," Ezra scornes the other girl.
"No! She killed him! I'm not waiting!" She gets up, holding a knife and lunges at me. I close my eyes and scream. Something wet splashes onto my face. It tastes salty in my mouth. Blood. I open my eyes to see her body limp. The cannon sounds.
"Never really liked her anyway," The other boy scoffs and drags her body away for collection.

My heart races as I try to process what is happening. 'Chrys was never really on our team?' My heart sinks nto my stomach, and I try to hold back tears. I trusted her. I thought we were good friends. Letting out a long breath, I bring my attention back to my captors. My evil captors who just killed one of their own. 'I'm gonna die.'

"So you're going to keep me here to bait Grey?" I ask them.
"Precisely, good plan, right?" Ezra respons with a smug look on his face. I try to glare through the fear.
'How many days have I been out?' I wonder as I try to twist my hands, from behind my back, in hope of freeing myself. 'Yvette! I hope she's OK.' I know she's not ok. My heart stings, and a single tear falls from my eye. They can't know I'm sad. "Goodbye, Yvette," I whisper to myself as I look up at the morning sky. All I can do is sit and wait for them to kill me. I can feel the cut on my arm ache as it rubs against my shirt when I try to loosen the ropes. I can feel my wrists cut open with rope burn from rubbing them so much. It aches, but I keep trying.

I finally begin to look around their camp. We're at the Cornucopia. They have all the bags piled together and all the weapons in a different pile. They have lots of different foods, not only buns and scones but fruit as well. The careers are well fed, no match for Grey to fight off. My stomach feels twisted as I think about how he will be killed for trying to help me. I blink, trying to hold back the tears, 'I can't show them that I'm scared.'

My mouth feels dry and my stomach empty as night falls apon the arena. I feel the need for sleep smothering me. Not like I can do much else. My eyes close softly but the worry in my stomach is preventing me from sleeping. It feels like a tangled mess that is being pulled and knotted. I feel sick and tired but adrenaline fills my veins. I try to untangle the mess of emotions that I feel, until the bright mechanical blue that is projected into the sky, and the anthem, make me open my eyes.

'No one's dead. That means either Yvette is alive, which I know isn't true. Or I've been out for over a day,' I tell myself as I lean back onto the pile of bags that the careers layed me onto. I rest my head back and look at the sky.
"Let's try this again," I tell myself under my breath before closing my eyes and falling asleep.


Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who is still reading this after I took a break (got busy with school and work). Sorry bout that.

Also, thanks to anyone who's new to reading this, hope you're enjoying it. <3

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now