Days 3 and 4

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Day 3 is relatively the same as day 2. Chrys and I hunt, Chrys manages to kill a rabbit as we splash back to camp in the rain. The ground is one big puddle now surrounding the botttoms of our shoes. I spot a bush of dark berries.
"I'm just gonna grab those berries," I tell her as I splash over to the bush.
"Wait! No, those are poisonous," Chrys cries out as I reach the bush.
"Oh. Whoops, good thing you're here," I smile back at her.
When we make it back to camp, we realise that we eat some of the bun and climb the trees so we can sleep somewhere dry. We all tie ourselves to the trees and fall asleep while Chrys and Yvette keep watch. No one died today.


Moaning as I stir in my sleep, the sound of whooshing makes its way into my dreams. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel the puddles forming around my body. Opening my eyes, I watch as rain drops fly through the air, the wind making my wet body shiver. I sit up, looking at the figures of my allies as they gather our supplies.

"What's going on?" I shout over the wind.
"Don't know! But we're moving camp. Get up!" Chrys shouted back, holding out a wet hand to help me up.

Chrys hands me a bag, I take it as I blink away the water that is pelting at my eyes. The wind howls restlessly, reaching new strengths. Leaves and small branches fly through the air.

"Ow!" Someone groans, I think it's Grey?
"Let's go! Now!" I shout at them.

We splash through the water, ducking to avoid flying leaves and sticks. Suddenly, a leaf shoots onto my cheek, sticking itself to my skin. I peel it off and keep trenching through the water.

The wind grunts faster, making my clothes and hair fly in the wind. The rain drops, flying into my face, sting as they pelt into my skin. I bring my hand up to shield my eyes so I can see.

"Let's make a run for it!" I shout, but my voice is carried away through the wind.

Sighing, I run forward, which proves difficult in the knee-high water. Hoping the other will follow, I pass them, quickly making it through the forest.

A lighter patch of forest shows itself up ahead. My chest fills with hope, and I pick up the pace. Splashing through the water quickly, I trip. My body is submerged by the cold, dirty water for a moment before I push myself out again. I can hear the faint murmur of someone asking me something, but I couldn't make it out through the restless, howling wind.

The end of the rain inches closer and closer with every splashing step. The wind almost makes me toppel backwards as it picks up again, hurling itself at my body. Grabbing onto a tree, I hold myself up. Using the plants around me, I pull myself forward, out of the rain and wind.

Collapsing onto the dry forest floor, I breathe in quickly, tasting the dry air. Someone falls onto me, and I push them off before sitting up and leaning against a tree. Looking around, I can see that everyone is ok. A sigh of relief leaves my mouth as I smile.

Closing my eyes and leaning my head back, I smile. 'I'm ok. We're ok. We survied.'

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now