Wake up part 2

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My eyes fluttered open slowly and I looked around the hospital room again. This time there were less tubes connecting to my body. I pulled the one out of my wrist and looked around to make sure no one was walking in randomly.

Pulling the covers off and swinging my feet onto the cold floor, I managed to stand myself up. My legs were wobbley and I grasped the bed for support. Letting go of the bed, I pushed myself up. I heard the door swing open and I looked towards it. The tall figure of a boy rushed up, catching me as I began to fall.

My arms were resting on his strong biceps, his hands on my waist. Our faces were inches apart. I could feel his hot breath on my face. Red flushes spread cross my cheeks and I finally looked away, steadying myself.

"Hey," Finnick finally said, "are you ok?"
"Yeah, yeah," I told him, trying to convince myself. My bare feet shifted across the smooth floor and I began to let go of the boy.
"You sure you wanna do that?" Finnick asked, still holding my waist.
"Mhm," I grabbed the doorframe of the bathroom.

Finnick let go but followed me in as I held onto either side of the basin. I stared into my eyes through the mirror. My skin was pale and my hair a mess. The clear scar on my face extended from the top of my eyebrow to the top of my cheek. I didn't look like me. This wasn't me. I gulped. 'I look like shit.' My eyes started to well up and spotting Finnick in the mirror behind me, I ducked my head down.

"Hey, it's ok," the boy pulled me into his chest. He rubbed his hands in circle on my back, and stroked my hair. I hugged him back tightly. All I could do was bury my head into the crook between his shoulder and neck, and cry.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now