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3 weeks later.

Things had been looking up for the past 3 weeks. I'd been home. I'd been happy. Sometimes, it was hard to shake the feeling that I was about to be attacked, but Finnick was helping me through it. We'd been going to the beach together at least 4 times a week.

We'd moved into our new house in Victor Village, and our house isn't too far from Finns. Ari, Dev, and Stevie had been home more, too. Things were finally starting to mend in the family.

But right now, it was looking down.

I was standing in our office. There were peacekeepers here, too. And President Snow. I wanted to grab and pen and kill him with it. Honsetly, I wouldn't even need a pen. But, I was being calm. I assumed he wanted to put me to work. Like Finnick had explained.

"Congratulations, Miss Y/L/N," Snow started.

"Thank you," I nodded.

"Now, shall we get straight to it?" The man didn't wait for an answer, "you need to stop seeing Finnick. It's bad for his reputation."

"I'm not with Finnick. We're just friends," I defended us, staying calm and keeping my voice monotone.

Snow pressed a button, and a video of Finn and I kissing appeared.


"Would you like to deny it again?" Snow question evily.

I gulped, "No. And no. I won't stop."

"No? Are you sure?"

I nodded, leaning closer to him. I hated him with every ounce of my power.

"Well then," he nodded at the Peacekeepers, and one grabbed my arms, dragged me across the room, and held me back. I tried to struggle away, but nothing worked.

Ari was esscourted into the room. She, too, was trying to fight but was nothing against them. A gun was held to her head. Her eyes ficked at me. Fear was all that I could see on her face. Before I could do or say anything, the shot was fired.

Hot, thick blood splatted onto my face, and my sisters body fell limp. Ari's body thudded on the floor. She was dead. No tears escaped my eyes. I didn't feel sad. All I felt was anger.

Before I knew it, I was spitting in Snows face as I shouted horrible things at him. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER! YOU TWISTED, VILE MAN! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ALIVE! YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON! I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT! YOUR GRANDDAU-" My words were cut off as a Peacekeeper covered my mouth and pulled me back.

"You have a lot of family Y/N. Stop seeing Finnick and they get to live," the man stood up before coughing into a cloth.

I lunged forward again but this time I didn't day anything, all I did was glare into his cold, dead eyes. I could smell what he was hiding. I could smell his secret. I could smell the blood. And he knew it.

"Meantion this to Mr Odair and your other sister is next."

My blood was boiling. Rage filled every cell in my body. But there was nothing I could do about it without putting others in danger. The Peacekeepers let go and I watched them leave.

I was alone with a body. The body of my sister. My sister who was like my mum. It was like she was dead again. But this time it was different. This time, I make those to killed her pay.

I am going to kill President Snow.

And I Was In Love. (Finnick Odair X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now