I think when we start to realize that we have lost or are losing so many people in our lives, we begin to get confused. We tend to wonder why and not understand it. But I saw something that mentioned how God removes people from your life once you've outgrown those people and relationships. He will find ways to remove people from your life that no longer serve you.
If you're incapable of walking away from a person or a situation, that only hurts you or that you continuously have prayed your way out of but keep going back, he will allow that person to continue hurting you until you have no choice but to walk away. If you still can't remove yourself from a situation, God will make those people remove themselves from your life because he knows you would've never left on your own.
He removes people from your life because he sees things that you don't and he hears conversations that you may never hear. People get removed from your life to be replaced with someone better or someone new who will better serve your life. Sometimes the things we feel are a loss, are actually not. They are progress, improvements, and steps forward to the next chapter in your life. You can't enjoy life, live in the present, or move forward to the future and whatever it may hold for you if you're still holding onto the past.
God knows everything, sees everything, hears everything, and knows things we will never know or see be brought to light. So, even when he starts removing people from your life, no matter how lonely it may get, just try to hang in there and find comfort in the loneliness. Trust that he has plans for you and your life much bigger and better than you could ever imagine.
He's working on you. Be patient. One day you will look back and understand why those things had to happen. You'll be thankful for the lessons that it taught you. It will all be okay one day. Just hold on.