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Pov: Meena

We're here, I love walking in this park. It's just so quiet.
I hope Aoom meant when she said that nothing between us would change, I know she is not homophobic pt anything like that but can you judge me? I came out to her out of nowhere, I was expecting that she would react a little... strange.
Fortunaly looks like I'm wrong. She keeps doing everything as always (thanks God).
I was so focused on my thoughts that I stopped listening to her.

- YES?
- Are you listening?- She asked arking her eyebrow.
- Of course.
- What was I talking about then- She smirked knowing I didn't listen anything.
- Well, the... company and how we should have more days off beacuse...we... Work a lot?
- Oh uau. That was very brave.- She laugh.
- Stop it was close right?
- You were so far as China but ok.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry- I laugh- can you repeat it? Please?
- I was just saying that we could post pictures on Instagram but only if you to, because fans will probably think other things but I know you don't care but still.
- Why are you panicking that much?- I said touching her hand.
- I was just afraid that you didn't want and said someting, know that you are with Marcus, the shipp could be not the best thing.- She explained.
- I already told you that Marcus and I are just talking and I like our shipp.
- What do you mean?- She asked a little flushed.
- You know we are very close and it makes sense for them to think we are dating and even if we were dating that would be fine- since when did I became so bold?
- Oh... Ya I think the same. If Marcus hear that- She teased.
- Why do I feel like you don't like him?
- Because I don't.

Pov: Aoom

I was more chocked than her. I mean it's true but its was unnecessary to say that out loud.

- Are you seriously?- She asked - You don't even know him.
- Still do I have to know him to know that I like him or not?- I asked knowing what the answer was.
- Kinda you didn't see met him you don't even know what he looks like.
- I'm just saying- I contest
- But why you have literally no reason for that.- She looked at me.
- I may have reasons - I souldn't have said that to be honest even I know what the reasons are.
- What? Tell me? Did he do somenthing I don't know? Do you know him? Did he---

Ok what the hell? No no no. I just, oh no. Oh no. Why did I Said that.

- What?- she whispered
- You know what? Let's be honest I have no idea why I said that, it's the truth but I was trying to ignore this, I don't know what's wrong with me lately but everytime you are around, every single time I get weird and with weird thoughts I probably souldn't even be saying this to you but I have no more what's happening. But I just don't want to lose you.- I said so fast that I looked like Eminem.
- Aoom, you are not going to lose me.
- I know but you are my bestfriend. I'm just afraid. It's not the problema you dating someone it's just, Idk .
- Bestfriend?- She repeated
I stare at her. What does that mean?
- Nevermind. Just don't worry yeah?
- It's just me or lately we have been some random fights?- I asked
- I wouldn't say fights but yeah. I think we should talk more about what we feel
instead of ignoring it.- She said while looking at the sky.
- You're right. Let's make a deal: we'll talk if anything is bothering us.
- Deal- She was still looking at the sky and it was so beautiful.
She is beautiful. I stare at her and realize that she is the perfect human being. She just gets me.
- I'm very beautiful right?- She teased because she caught me staring.
- You are.- She blushed hard and I loved it. I like to know I have some effect on her.

The rest of the morning we talked more about work and personal things. It was great.
She left me home because she had a doctor appointment so I envited her to dinner.
I need to think. I found her atractive, I blush when she says sweet things and I get nervous when she is around. It really looks like I've a crush on her, it's just, I have never liked a woman, I'm so confused. I thought I was 100% straight and maybe I am but this is really annoying. I have to talk with someone who already liked or likes women.
I grab my phone and call two people.
- Hi girls. I need your help.

Who would it be? Ahahah
I bet all of you already know or have your suspicions
Feel free to comment and vote if you want

Merry Christmas 💗

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