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Warning: sensitive and agression
If you don't feel confortable feel free to skip it 🫶🏻🤍

Pov: Meena

It's been a week since my uncle's text and still nothing happen, I informed my parents and Aoom's just in case.
My family has been looking for my uncle but there's no sign of him yet. (They felt really bad for not believing in me before.)
I've been more careful with locking the doors and even put a new security sistem in my house.
Aoom has been trying to make me more relaxed, she calls me everyday when she gets home even thought she spends all day in my house. I am not that nervous now, if appears I run away and call the police, nothing bad can happen. I have been trying all the possible scenarios, specially at night, since I can't sleep.
Sometimes I wish he appears when I was counting on him, so it would be over fast. At least I could sleep after that and everyone around me would be more calm too.
My phone started buzzing I looked at the screen: it was Aoom. It's early, She usually doen't call at this time.

- Hi baby- I say softly.
- Sweetie- I tried again why panicking mayby she didn't listen.
Still Nothing.
- Aoom- I said louder. My breath was getting heavier and havier.
- Meena? I'm sorry my phone fell off my hand. Are you ok?
- God you--- you can't do this to me.
- Hey hey calm down.- She turned the call to videochat- Hey look at me breath in, breath out, everything's ok.
I start doing the breathing exercises she taught me.
- It's ok I'm fine- I said more calm.
- I am so sorry I didn't meant to.- she was cleary feeling guilty.
- Baby you know it wasn't your fault. I am just..- I stoped talking but then remembered our promised that I would try be more open about my feelings- I can't sleep lately. I am worried something will happen to you or to me.

She was listening carefully every word I spoke, she knows it's hard for me.

- If you want to, I could sleep there, so you could feel safer. Wouldn't it help?
- Yeah but I can't ask you to do that.- I whispered.
- Meena stop it, if it helps that's what we are going to do ok?
I didn't keep argueging since I really need to sleep and I love sleeping with her next to me.

I heard someone knocking on the door.
- Who's that?- Aoom asked?

I went to the window to see who it was and ...
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I have to call the police I went to take my phone and locked myself in the bathroom.

- Aoom it's him- I cried desperate.
- Meena I'm on my way.

I heard a loud noise. Oh no, he broke in.

- Hi sweetie- he screamed- how long I don't see you? Where are you?

Oh no no no no.
I see his shadow on the door.
He tried to open it but it was locked.

- You think you can hide?

Why does he have to be so creepy??
He start pressuring the door so it open.
Why does everything happens to me?
Sudently the door opened and I don't remember screaming so loud in my life.
- There you are.
- Until they arrive I still can find a way to keep the honour in this family, that was ruined thanks to you.

He grabbed my hard and took me to other room.
He started taking my jacket.
- I told you I was going to teach you a lesson. You should behave like a good girl and learn.
- PLEASE- I cried- PLEASE.
Where is the police when we need her?
I tried to escape but even tho he was older he was much stronger. He tied my hand with a scarf and covered my mouth with something I don't know what it was.
- I want you to know that I don't want to do this to you either.
I did so many plans but now nothing I planned worked.

Pov: Aoom

I'm almost there shit. I should have stayed there, it's all my fault. Just a few more meters come on.
Her house it's finally seen.
Shit the door it's open.
I got out of the car and the cops arrived.
- Ma'am you'll have to wait.
I tried to go on but they stoped me.
I waited for minutes, why the hell did they took this long.
Each second took an eternity to pass.
I heard a man's voice from the inside the house.
They caught him. Thank God.

I run inside letting my senses telling in which room she was.
When I got there she was getting medical care.
- Meena- I run to her- Are you ok?
- I've been better.- her voice cracked, it was clear she had been screaming.
She had a small cut on her cheeck and a bloody nose.
- He punched me, they arrived before je could do the worst part he promised.
- Ma'am she has to go to the hospital so they can check her better.- the police officer informed.
- Yeah of course. Can I go with her?
- Yes she need in fact someone to go in the ambulance.

I hugged her. Thank God she's save. Her eyes were red, more red than I've seen.
She is going to need a lot to get through all of this, first that crazy girl, now this?

Why is it so hard to love someone?

Guys I am sorry but at least the Crazy uncle is gone.
Next chapters will be all cute and stuff like that. I ll try to focus on Meena getting better and living her happy life with Aoom. (If you guys want this please comment your opinions)

Comment what you think.

Vote if you want.

Next chapter will be out as soon as I can.


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