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Pov: Aoom

- Are you ok?- I asked worried.
- I'm hungry.
- Let's eat then.
- OH MY GOD.- She screams and starts laughing.
I looked at her and she was looking at the mirror. Her body had a few hickeys.
- Sorry?- I smiled.

- Now I have to cover then up- She fake cried.
- Sorry baby. You need help?
- No, I can do it. I just wasn't expecting to be so many...

"Me neither" I thought to myself.
- Moving on... How was your first day? How do you feel?
- It was definitly not what I expected but it was good. It was a mix of emotions. I glad I'm back to work.
- I'm relieved that you feel like that, but you are that you're fine now right?
- Yes sweetie yes.
I look at her covering the hickeys.

- Green?
- What do you mean?- She looked at me confused.
- You're aplying green make up on your skin, why?
- Oh. It's for cover it, trust the process.

People went crazy yesterday, not just Meena getting back to work but because of the life.
The tension last night was extremily noticeble and of course, fans are already posting tons of edits with all songs there are in the world.
I don't search myself on the internet that often, but sometimes I get curious of what are people thinking, like now for exemple, I'm on tiktok watching edits.
Some are sad, and it makes me sad, even thought I know that me and Meena and great, there are moments that I forgot that people don't know that, like when we were apart because of work, people posted a lot at that time with depressiva songs. However, watching sad edits didn't last long, more that I scrolled more videos of yesterday appeared and made me laugh, why are we like that?

- What is the reason of that smile of yours?- Meena appeared from behind.
- You, obviously, you're the reason of my happiness every day.
- You're such a sweet talker, but now for real what is it?
I showed her my phone. As she watched the vídeo her cheeks were getting more flushed.

- The way I said we were just special to each other and then we were like this- She made sure saying the just very clear.
- Right? People are making fun of us, they are so funny.
- Yeah, they are, I guess.
- What was that?- I asked giggling.
But when I look at her she was serious, and that worried me a little. Just when I was about to ask her if she was ok she talked.
- Aoom listen, we need to break up, I am sorry.
- What why? So sudden?
- It's for the best.
- Did I do something wrong?
- Aoom no, you didn't.
- Why are going this then?- my voice started to fail and I could feel the tears in my eyes.
- Listen I am sorry, but I have to.
- Just now you were happy what happen? We just bad a great time I don't understand.
- You don't have to.
- Don't you think this is unfair to me?- I cried- You don't even told me the reason- I whispered.
- Why are you screaming at me?
- YOU ARE THE ONE WHO----fine fine...did you really thought that this was forever?
- what?- I sniffed.
- Let's be realistic, we aren't meant to be.
- You just said you loved me a few minutes I don't get it- why am I the only one crying.
- we both know I didn't meant to.
- Do I?
- You're just not the one for me.
- After everything we went throught, you're going to leave me, just like that? We were about...- I cried-

I was crying uncontrolably now, I couldn't even form words to answer that. Why? Why? What did I do? She's my everything, my world I can't live without her now.

- Aoom are listening? AOOM?

I opened my eyes and see Meena.
- are you ok? You fell assleep and then you started crying and screming? Baby are you ok? Talk to me.
I hugged her and cried on her shoulder.

Pov: Meena

- Babe shh shhh it's ok I'm here, I'll always be here.- I rubbed her back.
- You--- You--- and then--- there was no reason--- and you were---- and- She was sobbing.
- Me? Hey hey breath. Look at me.

I wipped her tears away and when she finally calmed down She talked.
- You broke up with me.
- Oh Aoom, was that what happen?- She noded- it was just a nightmare, you know I would never.
- It was so real. I don't even remember falling assleep.
- You were on your phone and when I looked at you, you were sleeping.- I stoped for a moment- do you want to talk about it?
- You sat beside me and we were watching tiktok videos together, we were laughing and all, but sudently you got serious and Said that we needed to break up- her voice cracked- I asked you why and you Said I didn't have to know and that it was the best- tears started rolling again while She was sniffing.
Oh my baby...

- Aoom, I would never ever do that.
- I know, it's just it was too much. Why can't we just be happy?
- Aren't you happy?
- Of course I am but, there is always something on the way.
- Everything that is worth has a lot of obstacles.- I say.- I love you. I don't know what did I say in that dream but I love you, and there's nothing that can take me away from you now ok?
- Ok- She smiled

Pov: Aoom

Her words always make me calm. There was nothing that could separte us now, we are together and stronger each day. There was nothing that could break us apart.

-It was just a nightmare.- She says one more time.

Yeah it was just a nightmare....


I am sorry for disappearing but here I am.
The next chapters will be fluff and them being happy (or not) because they need to (hehehe or not), they suffered so much...

I didn't even remember exactly what I wrote the previous chapters 😭😭

BUT I hope you all liked it.

Tell me what you think in comments and vote if you want 😀

Bye 🤍

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