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Pov: Aoom

Meena has not been on her best fase as you all can imagine. However, she talks to me and her therapist about it.
I noticed that she is slowly getting better but she still has some things to get through.
Everytime someone walks in the room she is she gets scared, of course sometimes we aren't expecting thing and that's ok, but she gets scared every.single.time.
She even used to teared up before and now she doesn't. That's progress right?
There's days we have really deep talks not necessarily about bad things, mostly about ourselves. She is trying to prove that she trusts me, I know it's just how she is, but she insists and I don't complain because I don't want her to suffer alone and I like to know more things about her.

- Meena- I said almost in a whisper trying not to scare her but failed.- I am sorry.
- It's ok. I am the one being too dramatic.- she murmured.
- Sweetie, looks at me- I held her cheen- you went through two traumatic experience in short period of time, it's ok to not a confortable and completly good yet, besides you're making a good of progress.
- I know, but I can't help to think I am overreacting. Anyway what were going to say?- She changed topic.
I won't force her to keep talking, I already realised that if she's just not very confornt sometimes so I just asked:

- So, I talked with yout therapist and she said that if you want to and if you feel ready we go to the park.- She looks at with a face I can't read so I kept talking- just a small walk, so you can start step by step having your life back. ONLY if you want to.
- That actually sounds really nice, but you would be with me right?
- Yes of course.- I smiled.
- Ok I'm going to get dressed.- She says getting up from the couch and running to the room.

Our company gave us 1 month off and told fans more or less the situation and they were furious. God I never saw them that mad.
I didn't even know that there were laws against homophobia in this country. Her uncle was accused of like 20 crimes.
The rest of her family is very supportive and call her everyday.
They have been talking a lot with me to know if she's better or not, so we are very close now.
I really feel like they like me and know that I love Meena with all my heart and knowing that her close family is here for her makes me feel good for her.

- I am ready - She came down stairs with a proud face.
She was wearing my hoodie.
- It that my sweatshirt?
- Yep- she hugged me.- it's cozy. You like it- She spins.
- Yeah, it really fits you.
- Let's go.

She stoped outside and immediately closed her eyes, "the sun" She says.
Oh right. She hasn't leave the house for a quite some time.
She was looking everywhere like she never saw any of that. Like a child when they go to a new place.
She looked with attention to everything.

- Look- She exclaimed when she saw a butterfly.
I laughed, I'm happy if she's happy.
We entered the car and after some time she starts talking, but the topic isn't that positive has she was seconds ago.

- When do you think I'll stop having this feeling?
- What feeling?
- That something bad is going to happen. I'm scared that if I don't talk this Will get worse but if I talk you can get tired of listening, because there are so many problems in my head and I can't just get them out? But what if you just don't want to...be here anymore with me?
I stoped the car on a park and looks at her.
- Where did all of this came from?
- Well it's been here since last week, I talked to my therapist and she said that if I wanted this to be fixed I should talk to you.
- Meena, I love you. I know you know this because it's probably one of the things I say the most. But I do. I want to be here for you. I will always be here for you, no matters what. Ok? I want to know what's bothering you, I want to help you get through this and everything that you'll ever go through. About tour question, I don't know when it Will be over, but I know that it will, one day it will. And I'll be here to congrats you and keep on your life.
- Promise?
- Yes baby of course.
- Pinky promise?- She shows her pinky.
- Pinky promise.- I interwine hour fingers.- Don't ever doubt that.
- I know, but since that day all possible scenarios are in my head. And I'm scared.
- It's ok to be scared. But everything is going to be alright.

She stared at me for a few time.
- Let's go? I really want to see the river again.- She says smiling.
I giggled.
- Of course my love, let's go.

I still can't believe she thought someting like that. Now more than ever I want to be here and show how much I love her.
I'll do anything for all of those thoughts go away, I just want my baby happy.

Guys I've been studing 24/7, I'm dead.
Wish me luck on my exams ahahha.

I'll try to update as soon as I can as always.

Comment your opinions please.
Vote if you want ✨


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