Chapter 29: Everything Changes

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A/N: I hope everyone had a great holiday! I had the that was kinda rough. As always, let me know what you think!

Bellamy stared at the dead Griever—the events still rushing through her head. Then she turned and promptly punched Minho in the arm. "OW!" He snapped at her.

"That's for being a dick!" She promptly turned and punched Thomas in the arm. "And that's for being reckless!"

"Is she always like this?" Thomas questioned, rubbing his arm as he glanced at Minho.

"Usually worse." Minho said, earning himself another slap to the head.

"Okay, you killed one. Great. Let's just get Alby and get the hell out of this Maze." Bellamy said in a breathless tone.

The trio began their trek back through the changing Maze to find Alby. "You left me there." Thomas murmured, glancing over at Minho.

Minho's facial features were tight and filled with guilt as he walked. "I came back though."

"And you didn't leave." Thomas said, glancing over at Bellamy.

She gave a shrug. "I don't scare easy," Bellamy admitted with a frown. "And I guess neither do you. Maybe there's more to you than I thought, Pretty Boy."

"You know, I have a name."

"Oh she knows," Minho said, rolling his eyes as Bellamy grinned. "She just doesn't care."

"I care," Bellamy said in a defensive tone. "I just prefer the beauty of nicknames."

The rest of the trek of getting Alby was silent. The exhaustion had hit them all like a truck. Bellamy vaguely remembered flight or fight being a certain sort of mentality. And once fight was over, the human body tended to react to things.

In fact, it was silent all the way back to the Glade—at which point, seeing the homestead, Bellamy had one singular reaction, bounding forward and pumping her fist into the air. "WE'RE BACK, BITCHES!"

The girl found herself swept into a hug by Darwin, who plopped a sloppy kiss onto her cheek. "You absolute dumbass! How did you even—"

But Bellamy's gaze had already fallen onto the unconscious Alby on the ground. Even as Leo was hugging her, it was all just background noise.

"You saw a Griever?" Chuck blurted.

"I saw one." Thomas said with a nod.

"Oh you humble bastard," Bellamy breathed out.

"He didn't just see it. He killed it." Minho said with a breathless laugh.


"Things are changing," Gally said with a deep breath.

Bellamy could have screamed, leaning against Darwin and Leo. That was the biggest damn understatement she had ever heard. And she didn't even remember her life up until the Maze.

"There's no denying that. First Ben gets stung in broad daylight. And then Alby. And now, our Greenie has taken it upon himself to go into the Maze." Gally continued speaking.

This wasn't a small gathering of just the Keepers. This was everyone in the whole Glade. Bellamy's gaze flicked over to Minho briefly, then to Thomas, who sat in the center and grimly looked around.

"It's a clear violation of our rules." Gally said.

"But he helped save Alby's life!" Frypan cut in pointedly.

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