Sketches and Faintings

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The last chapter was a bit of a downer. I'm gonna do a several more chapters before we get to time period the 2007 movie took place in. The turtles and Emma are 16 when this takes place. (In case you didn't read chapter 2's author note, the turtles are older than Emma by a week).

Disclaimer: I only own Emma and most of my plot. It has some borrowed ideas from other stories. I own nothing else.

Emma's POV

We were done with training and had all gone to do our own thing. Mikey was playing video games, Donnie was doing some kind of research on his computers, Leo was reading book on meditating, Raph was doing push ups, and I was just sketching.

I liked sketching my brothers doing whatever they loved doing. I already had tons of sketches of them doing what they were doing right now, but I wanted to try and capture their essence. I know that sounds crazy, but I read it in an art book that if you can draw how people really are in real life, that means you're a great artist. So far though, I'd been unable to do it. But practice makes perfect, or at least that's what sensei says.

I had drawn it all on one paper, separate but still together. Everyone was in the living room, so I just drew that. Sensei was in his room so I couldn't draw him. I had a little extra space, so I decided to draw myself, well, drawing. I got up and found a mirror then positioned it so I could see myself so I could, you know, draw myself. I didn't notice until I was done that my brothers had stopped what they were doing when I got the mirror and were watching me try to draw myself.

I looked at it when I was done and let out a disappointed sigh. It would've been great had I not bothered to try and draw myself. Even so, I decided to label what role each of us played in the team and the family. I labeled them like this: Leo is the leader team-wise but the caring one family-wise. Raph is the muscle team-wise, but the protective one family-wise. Donnie is the brains team-wise but the nice one family-wise. Mikey is the wild one team-wise but the funny one family-wise. I don't know what role I played family-wise but team-wise, I'm the calm one. I never panic when we go out on patrol.

Suddenly I felt four sets of eyes on me and that's when I saw that my brothers had been watching me. I felt my face heat up and tried to cover my picture. But Raph got the picture from me before I could and looked at it. He frowned a little, and then showed the others.

"I-I know I messed up a little. But yours turned out better than the last ones I drew. I'm probably going to erase myself from it," I said nervously after they all looked at it. The frowns they had on after they looked at my drawing got even deeper after I said that.

"May I see it, Emma?" Sensei asked. I turned around and saw he'd come out of his room, probably when Raph took my drawing. I nodded and he examined it. To my surprise, he shook his head and gave it back to me.

"Do not erase yourself. I believe almost everything about it is perfect. You only forgot one thing," Sensei said. My brothers nodded in agreement. I looked at it but I couldn't figure out what they were saying. It had all of us in it, beside sensei, but I didn't think that was it.

"What did I forget?" I asked. Sensei sighed before turning to go back to his room. "Your brothers will tell you what you forgot, my dear," he said before closing the door.

"Dudette, the picture was totally awesome," Mikey said before continuing," drawing yourself with only a mirror to help was impressive."

"But when you put descriptions for us team-wise and family-wise..." Leo said before trailing off.

"You forgot someone, at least, sort of," said Donnie. I didn't forget anyone, did I? I thought before looking again. I think I sort of knew but I looked at the one turtle who hadn't spoken yet to clarify it.

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