Casey Jones and Costume Parties

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This is a continuation of the last chapter. April has been told the story. Disclaimer: I only own Emma and most of my plot. It has some borrowed ideas from other stories. I own nothing else.

 Emma's POV 

 Well, she seemed to be taking it well. She didn't faint again, even when my brothers showed up. Without waiting for my signal, might I add. She and I were actually talking like normal girls (I think. I've never talked to another girl before, so I'm not very sure). Then she jumped up when I asked if she knew if anyone else saw the ninjas. "Casey! I can't believe I forgot about him! He was with me when they attacked and we got separated when even more of them appeared," yelled April as she started to freak out. I looked at Donnie and he went to his computer to check our surveillance camera's footage. "April, calm down. Donnie will find him with our camera's footage and then we'll go and get him," I said while trying to be comforting. I guess it worked because April seemed to calm down a little. Donnie then told us he had found Casey and we got our skateboards to find him. "Watch this, bros!" I yelled as I did some tricks. I skated up a piece of wood and started skating around them on the walls. "Show off," Raph grumbled and I flashed them all a grin. saw that I was heading for the area between two tunnels and my smile got sen wider. "Which way we going, D?" I yelled to Donnie. He pointed right but I kept going towards the wall. "Em, the wall!" yelled Leo. I looked at him and chuckled while I replied. "I know!" Then went flying when I hit the wood I'd seen when I spotted the split. I went on the ceiling before jumping down and weaving between my brothers into the tunnel. When we stopped at the ravine, my brothers all glared at me. "What?" I asked. They all shook theirs heads and pointed at the tunnel we just came through.It hit me why they were upset. I'd risked my safety for a stupid stunt. "I'm fine, guys. I won't do it again. After this," before they could do anything, I had picked up enough speed to skate over the ravine towards the cave Casey should be in. "You guys comin' or what?" I asked. They glared a little more before doing what I just had. We fought the ninjas inside and I was fighting this big guy who was about to hit Casey when he used his sword to sweep me off of my feet. Literally. 

Next thing I knew, the Casey guy had gotten up and was fist fighting the guy. I kind of see why April has a crush on him. And yes, April does have a crush on him. She got so worked up, it was obvious she likes him way more than just a friend. Casey knocked the guy out and my brothers did the same with the ninjas. They were surprised I was on the ground until Casey tried to help me up. And my ankle felt like it was on fire. "Ow! Stupid ankle," I said as I fell back on the ground. Raph came and picked me up bridal-style. Casey looked a little surprised to see us, but when we explained that April had told us about you, he lit up at the thought of coming for us. I can tell he has a crush on April since the first thing he asked us was whether or not she was okay. 


 Casey's POV 

 It was strange that four giant turtles saved me. Even stranger a girl a year younger than me helped. I couldn't believe she got hurt so I wouldn't. I mean, we just met. But she has a way of warming up to us. By us, I mean me and April. I think Em, the girl who helped me, knows I sort of like April more than friends. But as long as she doesn't say nothin', I should be in the clear. At the moment, Donnie (April told me them and Em's story as well as their names when this was happening) was examining Em's ankle. It was a small bruise, nothing serious enough to keep her off that leg. Donnie said as long as she didn't strain it too much, she should be fine. But that's not what caused everyone except Em to freak out when Donnie rolled Em's jeans up to her knee so she could be examined. Her leg had tons of bruises and legs. Me and April demanded to know what happened and Em told us what she says she told her brothers (and inadvertently, Master Splinter) when they were 12. Me and April had to go home so our folks wouldn't worry. But we promised not to tell anyone and that we'd come back tomorrow. I couldn't wait to get to know these guys. That Raph seemed like he might have as short of a temper as I do! Unbelievable, but then again, I never thought four giant turtles with a rat for their dad was believable either. Go figures. My folks weren't as worried about me as April's because I tended to stay out late anyways. 

 Emma's POV 

 It had been a few days since we met Casey and April, who came by every day, and I knew who was friends, best friends, sort of friends and frienemies. Here is the list. Casey and: 

 • Raph - Best Friends, or Best Bros, as they say. They both have short tempers and butt heads but are a great fighting team. 

 • Leo - Frienemies. They work together okay, but can't agree on anything. Sort of like Raph and Leo, now that I think about it. 

 • Donnie - Sort of friends. They're sort of like acquaintances but except they fight together. They don't really know each other very well yet but I think they'll become good friends in time. 

 • Mikey - Friends. They're sort of on the same brain level (no offense to either of them) except Casey is a lithe bit more, um, let's say educated than Mikey. They like to joke around and give me comic relief when I start to worry about ninjas we ran into earlier. 

 • Me - Casey says I'm one out of his two best friends who are girls. April is the other one. April and: 

 • Raph - Friends. They get along pretty well, sort of like how me and Raph act together except not as close. 

 • Leo - Friends. You know what, my brothers are all friends with April but not best friends. They act like they do with me, but like I said, not as close. 

 • Me - April says I'm her best friend who's a girl. Guess who her best friend that's a boy is? If you guessed Casey Jones, then you are our grand prize winner. Sensei thinks it's good for the boys to interact with other humans than me. He also says that it's good for me to talk to humans who aren't trying to hurt me. Like, say, my dad, his friends, the ninjas who attacked Casey and April. I think it's terrific. I have been living with boys for too long. I am seriously in need of girl company. April and Casey even invited us to a costume party April's cousin is having. The boys will be going as themselves but I told them they need masks and fake zippers so it'd look more like a costume. April says she has the perfect costume for me. I'm scared she's going to dress me up like some girly-girl. I'm more of a tomboy. I have my brothers to thank for that. 

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