Emeralds and a Lady

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Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT.

             Emma's POV

  I was at the park with Alex. He and I had been hanging out for the last couple of months and we'd really enjoyed each other's company. I kind of liked him, actually. I just wished I had the courage the ask him out. That, and there never seemed to be a good moment. But he was so sweet, smart, and didn't seem like Nick at all.

  "Hey. Emerald. You there?" Alex asked, snapping his fingers in front of me. I realized I'd been thinking too hard and had zoned out. Again.

  "Sorry," I replied. Then I realized what he'd called me and I smirked playfully. "Emerald?" I asked. Alex blushed.

  "Well, your name's Emma and your eyes are like emeralds so....." Alex trailed off, ducking his head. I blushed a little too.

  "So you've been looking at my eyes enough to notice they look like emeralds?" I asked, smiling a little. Alex's blush grew deeper.

  "N-no. I mean, not that your eyes aren't nice to look at, it's just-" I cut him off by laughing and he realized I wasn't upset. He frowned as I continued laughing. "That wasn't nice."

  "I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist," I replied. Alex just glared until his face lit up and he got a devilish look on his face and he leaned close in. "Alex?" I asked, worried for a second.

  "For that, you'll have to make it up to me," Alex answered. He slid one hand to my waist and the other to the small of my back. I understood what he was doing and smirked. I leaned towards him.

  "And how would you like me to do that?" I asked, having a good idea of the what his answer would be. A small part of my mind couldn't believe he was flirting with me. But the rest of me just told me to go with it, so that's what I did.

  "You know how, Emerald," Alex said as he put his lips on mine. I kissed back, putting my arms around his neck. Then he deepened the kiss, and I stifled a moan. We would've continued, except a woman cleared her throat and we broke apart, blushing, to see a woman with her child walking by. She had the kid go ahead before looking at us. Her frown turned into a smile.

  "I don't mind seeing two teenagers in love. Just...maybe in a more romantic setting, like a restaurant. You're girlfriend deserves it, boy." And with that, she was gone. Alex blushed even more after hearing the world girlfriend. So did I.

"Do you....you know, want to be my girlfriend?" Alex asked quietly. I smiled, then decided to tease him.

  "Hmm. I don't know. I mean, the lady was right. You could've chosen a more romantic place. After all if I was your girlfriend, I think I'd deserve the best. And if this is your version of the best...." I trailed off, acting as though I'd say no. Alex saw through me, growled, then grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close.

  "No more teasing. It's a simple yes or no," Alex said. I sighed dramatically.

  "Alright. I'll be your girlfriend," I replied defeatedly. Alex rolled his eyes at my theatrics and then kissed me again. I was so happy I'd forgotten one minor detail. Or more accurately, four minor details.

 'How am I going to tell the boys?' I thought to myself.

A/n: Head reeling. The turtles and Emma will be back next chapter. I need to lie down. See you next time.

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