Nightmares and Revealings

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I've decided that I've left you guys in the dark long enough. Some of Emma's past shall be revealed. I can't promise it'll explain everything but I hope it explains at least part of it. The turtles and Emma are 12 years old. Disclaimer: I only own Emma and most of my plot. It has some borrowed ideas from other stories. I own nothing else.

Emma's POV

I was watching TV in daddy's room. I heard him outside our apartment so I scrambled to get everything turned off so he wouldn't know I was in there. I went to the kitchen and made sure everything was put up and started to head to the bathroom.

"Brat, help me get things set up. My pals are coming over and you gotta serve them 'cause I'm gonna be too busy playing cards with 'em," Daddy yelled. I rushed to the kitchen and helped him set things up. By 'help', I mean he told where to put stuff while he drank from a brown bottle. I didn't know what was in it, but I knew I shouldn't try and get Daddy mad while he was drinking it. He might hurt me again if I mess up.

His 'pals' came and I served them the best I could. They also drank some funny smelling stuff from a bottle that looked liked daddy's. Everything was going fine until one of daddy's pals tripped me and I spilled the weird drink on him. His pals may have thought it was hilarious, but daddy didn't. He told me to wait by the door while he got a bag and put my stuff in it. I didn't have much, so the bag was filled quickly. Daddy yanked me by my arm and took me to an alley way far away from the apartment. I didn't think I could get back there alone and he knew it.

"Stupid brat, this'll teach you to dump stuff on me. Stay here and don't even think about leaving," Daddy then turned away and started to leave.

"It was an accident, daddy. Your friend tripped me and I-" but he cut me off by slapping me to the ground.

"Don't blame your clumsiness on Bernie, ya hear?" Daddy yelled before hitting me a few more times. Then he turned and left. I knew I couldn't disobey him so I went to the edge of the alley and tried to get him to come back.

" Daddy! No! Please don't leave me alone! I'll be good! Just come back, please!" I cried over and over again but he was already gone. I had cried myself to sleep for as long as I could remember because daddy always hurt me before I went to sleep. Tonight was no exception.

I woke up with a start, trying not to cry too loudly. I didn't want to wake my brothers or sensei. I've been having this nightmare ever since I realized my dad was never coming back.

I heard my door open and I saw my brothers standing by it. I think I must've shouted out something in my sleep because I wasn't crying that loud.

"Guys? Did I wake you up?" I asked quietly, glad I seemed to have stopped crying. They came in and turned on my lamp. Then they all climbed up to my bed and looked at me with faces full of concern.

"Em, you were shouting in your sleep," Leo said gently. I felt my face heat up and then I saw they didn't even have their masks on.

"I'm sorry I woke you guys up. I just...... I just had a bad dream. That's all," I said, hoping they wouldn't ask what it was about. But my brothers knew me too well and knew my dream was worse than I let on.

"What was it about, dudette?" Mikey asked, surprisingly quiet. I wasn't sure what to tell them. I guess I was quiet for too long because Donnie told me what I'd been screaming.

"You were screaming the same thing over again. 'Daddy! No! Please don't...' " I was speechless. I knew I didn't want the boys to know about my old dad, but I also knew they wouldn't drop it until I told them.

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