Whimpers and Protectiveness

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Me: Wanna do the disclaimer?

Emma: Why not?

Disclaimer: Kitkat doesn't own TMNT. Just her OC's (like me) and her plot.

               Raph's POV

  I hate having to do this, but I need to know. My brothers actually agreed to come with me, which is a first. Now I bet you're probably wondering what I'm talking about. Let's go back to the night Em freaked out about her dad and got angry that he didn't get in no trouble for abandoning her. After the movie, she fell asleep with her head on my lap and her legs on Leo's lap. Donnie was in his chair and Mikey was on the floor.

  "Yo, you dudes think she's alright?" Mikey asked suddenly. I didn't think he'd noticed how shaken up Em was, but I guess I underestimated him. Which was pretty rare.

  "Of course she's not okay. She just found out her dad didn't get in trouble for leaving her. Why on earth would she be alright?" Leo whisper-yelled. I don't like admitting this, but I actually agreed with him.

  "Calm down, you guys. We need to handle this rationally," Don said. Donnie is normally the peacemaker whenever Em isn't around or she's not up to it.

  "How exactly are we gonna do that, genius?" I asked. The others looked at me and then at each other. "Why don't we just see how he's doing?" I asked, knowing they'd probably turn it right down.

  "Sure," I was so shocked to see Leo was the one who agreed with me first.

  "Why not?" Donnie answered.

"  Yeah dude. Let's go," Mikey added. Just then, Em started squirming around and whimpered. When I heard that whimper, I knew something was wrong.

  "Daddy.....please. Come back!" Em cried in her sleep. I shook her gently to wake her up. Once her eyes opened, she started crying and I wrapped my arms around her while Leo and Donnie said comforting things and Mikey rubbed her back. Eventually she drifted back off to sleep. I picked Em up bridal-style and went upstairs and put her to bed. Once I came back, we all looked at each other and nodded. We knew what we had to do. Which is why Donnie found the guy's address and we found ourselves peering in through the window.

  What I saw didn't surprise me at all. Tyler Andrews, the man who abandoned our sister when she was only 8, was laughing away with his drinking buddies. They were playing poker and they each had at least 3 bottles of empty beer bottles next to 'em with a fresh one in their hands. Understandably, all my brothers were upset.

  "I can't believe this guy. He loses his wife, abandons his kid, and is actually happy right now?" Donnie says. Mikey nods his head in agreement, his eyes not leaving the scene.

  "I am disgusted right now," Leo adds. I give a little nod. We watch for a little while later before leaving. When we get home, we go our separate ways to get ready for bed. I go up to Em's room and look at her in the doorway. She looked so, and I never thought I'd say this, innocent. She had a smile on her face and she was curled up on her bed, clutching the doll Leo gave her on her 9th birthday. She'd named the doll Phoebe for some weird reason.

  It was in that moment I realized why I was so protective of her. Because she needed protection. She wasn't naive, but she was innocent in many ways, despite what she'd been through. That's one of the things I loved about my sister. She was like an angel is disguise. But if my brothers eva' asked, I'd denied all of it.

  A/N Don't worry. Alex will be back again soon. Later. 

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