Dr. Pepper and Rants

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Sorry for the slow updates. It's hard to find the time with school and everything. So, this is just the brothers hanging with Emma and maybe a heart wrenching moment.

Raph: 'Bout what?

Me: You'll see. Anyways, Mikey it's your turn.

Mikey: Finally! Okay, dudes and dudettes.

Disclaimer: Kitkat don't us TMNTs. Only her OC's and her wicked cool plot.

                       Emma's POV

  After April left, the boys and I had a training session with Sensei. Then we went to hang out in the living room. I got my sketchpad and started doodling while Mikey and Leo played video games and Raph watched them. Donnie went to do something on his computer. I then started to think about something I hated thinking about. My dad. I then started sketching him.

  "Dudette, what do you think you're doin'?" Mikey asked. I looked up to see all the boys staring at me. I felt self-conscious and started blushing.

  "What?" I asked. Instead of stating it, Raph asked another question.

  "Who are ya sketching?" I looked and saw I'd drawn my dad the way I remembered him. Limp hair, scowling frown, dull eyes, and, of course, a beer in his hand. I ran my hand over the drawing and smiled sadly.

  "My dad. The way I remember him, at least," I replied. I feel the tears start to form and try to hold them back.

  "Tell us about him," Donnie said. I hadn't noticed him come in. I wondered how long he'd been there.

  "What do you want to know?" I asked. The guys exchanged looks before answering me.

  "What was he like when he was sober?" Leo asked. I had to really think about that one. I guess I stayed silent too long because Leo continued. "Well?"

  "I'm trying to remember him being sober," I replied. I chose to ignore the boys glances and thought some more. "Oh, there was this one time he was sober and he came home early. He watched TV and didn't yell at me at all. That was the most fun afternoon I ever had him."

  "What did he do for a living?" Donnie asked. I smiled a little. My father's job was something that kept him away for hours during the week. It meant no yelling, no insults, no beatings, none of it.

  "My dad was, believe it or not, a lawyer. He protected children from abuse, being molested (basically rape), abandonment, etc. No one ever thought a man like him got drunk all the time at home or that his daughter suffered. His coworkers thought he was perfect," I replied. Leo and Raph exchanged looks.

  "Did he.....get arrested for abandoning you?" Mikey asked hesitantly. I shrugged.

  "Don't know. Dr. D, want to look it up?" I asked. Donnie nodded and went to his computer. We all followed him. He typed in some stuff.

  "His name?" Donnie inquired. Name. Hmm. I'd almost forgotten it.

  "Tyler Jacoby Andrews," I replied. The name sent shivers up my spine and Raph rubbed my back comfortably. I smiled my thanks at him. Donnie then inhaled sharply. I looked and saw my father's picture on the screen. He was wearing a suit and his hair was neat and tidy.

  "According to this, Tyler Andrews is a successful children's lawyer, a widow because his wife died during, um, childbirth, and called the police to say his 8-year old daughter ran away. It was later declared she must have died of starvation," Donnie barely had time to say 'starvation' before I reacted.

  " 'Ran away'? He practically threw me out! 'Starvation'? They just didn't want him to seem like the bad guy. And it says I was a 'spoiled brat who didn't listen to a word I said'! I did everything he wanted. I would've done anything for him just so he wouldn't be mad at me. Heck, I waited in that alley for two days, waiting for him to come back!" I yelled, storming to the kitchen and angrily opening the fridge to grab a soda. I slammed the door close and started drinking the Dr. Pepper.

  "Calm down," Raph said. I turned to him, too angry to think about what I'm saying.

  "You want me to calm down? That's rich, considering everyone in this family knows about your short-temper! I'm always the calm one, the one who stops you guys ridiculous fights, the one who's not allowed to get angry because she doesn't want to lose herself like her father! But when is it my turn to be mad, to lose my temper, to yell and feel sorry for myself? Huh? When?" I yell, the tears I'd been holding back coming down like a storm. I tried to run upstairs, but Raph grabbed me and held me close to his pastron. I broke down and just cried until I was out of tears.

  "Dudette, you don't have to worry about getting angry. We all do and you don't see us holding back, right?" Mikey joked. I nodded. The boys yelled at each other, and, occasionally, at me.

  "We yell at you whenever we need to get our anger out of our systems all the time. It's only right that you feel like you can do that too," Leo added.

  "But what if I....do something like my.....dad?" I asked. There. The real reason I was so reluctant to get angry. I didn't want to be like him.

  "Like we'd let ya do somethin' like that," Raph answered. I realized that he was right and smiled at the boys. Then I remember what I'd said to Raph earlier.

  "Sorry for what I said, Raph. I didn't really mean it," I said. Raph shook his head, his way of saying 'forget about it'. Then he ruffled my hair. My brothers and I went back to the couch and watched a movie. And for the first time in a long time, I felt at peace with myself.

  A/N: I nearly cried writing this. 

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