Crying and Slammed doors

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So sorry. My computer has been acting up and I couldn't update until now. I have kind of gone of TMNT so my updates might be slow but I will still write this one. P.S. I f you have read my rise of the guardians story, 'Girl from the past', then you should read the prequel I am going to start writing. It's just some one-shots of Jack and the other guardians.

Author's Note: I do not own TMNT. I have borrowed ideas from other writers but most of the plot is still mine.

Emma's POV

I am so stupid. I can't believe I was foolish enough to think he liked me. I thought to myself as I walked home from my 'date' with Nick. When I entered the sewers I didn't even bother trying to hide my tear stained face. Of course, my brothers and Casey and April all started to ask me what was wrong. Sensei wasn't in the living room so figured he was probably meditating or something.

"Nothing! Besides the fact I am single again," I said to silence them. I then pushed past them and went upstairs to my room. I was pretty upset so I slammed the door and climbed into my bed and started crying into my pillow. I then heard my door open and I looked to see who it was.

Raph looked at me then climbed into my bed with me. I tried to brush away the tears but Raph beat me to it.

"What happened?" he asked gently. You know, everyone here always says Raph is too short tempered and is emotionless but I know better. He is always gentle and never fights with me. Okay, he does yell at me when he gets mad but I never say anything so it's not really a fight.

I told him everything, like I always did when I was upset. He was the only one out of all my brothers who could get me to spill my guts to him with just one question.

I told him how I wanted to surprise Nick by showing up early to our date. When I got to park, he was sitting on a bench, kissing some blonde in a cheerleading suit. (She was a cheerleader for the nearest high school). When I cleared my throat, Nick looked scared. That's when I asked who the girl was. Liana, (the blonde), said she was his girlfriend. It didn't take long for us to figure out what he was doing. We then broke up with him and agreed to never speak of this again, if we ever spoke to each other that is.

Raph was pretty angry but he stayed with me because, when I was done talking, I started sobbing like crazy. He just pulled me into a hug and said comforting things. I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I knew was that I was lying down with a blanket over me and Raph was gone.

Suddenly, I heard yelling. Lots of yelling. I got out of my bed and opened my door and looked over the railings.

Raph and Leo were screaming at each other and the rest of the gang were trying to calm them down. I listened to them scream and figured out they were fighting about whether or not they should teach Nick a lesson. Guess who wanted to knock some sense into him and guess who wanted to stay out of it. If you said Raph for 'knock some sense into him' and Leo for staying out of it, then you were... wrong! I then decided enough was enough and made my presence known. By yelling at them.

"Would you two knock it off !? Seriously, what am I going to do with you guys?" I then went down the stairs, ignoring their expressions and continued. "Leo, as much as I hate saying this, Raph's right," That earned me a scoff from Leo and an indignant grunt from Raph. "It's my problem. I'll deal with it."

"Why do you always agree with Raph!?" yelled Leo. I was about shocked because Leo never yelled at me. At the guys, yes, but never me.

I answered as calmly as I could. "I don't always agree with Raph. I agree with you a lot as well as Don and Mikey. But in this case, Raph is right. I can handle it."

"Dudette, crying when you come home then locking yourself in your room isn't 'dealing with it' ". Mikey said. Again, shocked. Mikey never said stuff like that.

"I didn't 'lock myself in my room'. I just closed the door in an angry fashion. You could've come in if you wanted to. And crying is perfectly normal for this. I think," I replied. I wasn't 100% sure that crying was normal since Nick was my first boyfriend and all. The guys didn't really see it that way.

"Like you would've let anyone but Raph stay in your room. It's obvious he's your favorite brother," Donnie said. Once again, shocked. My brothers were acting like strangers, with the way they were talking to me. April and Casey had stayed silent up until now but then decided enough was enough.

"Do you guys even hear yourselves? Listen to how you're talking to her," April said.

"Yeah. I mean, your sister just went through her first breakup, because of cheating not less, and here you are yelling at her like it's her fault," Casey added.

My brothers looked sheepish for a second then they looked guilty. And then they started apologizing.

"I'm sorry I said what I did," Leo said.

"Me too, dudette," Mikey added.

"As am I," Don said.

"Same goes for me," Raph said. I could tell he was apologizing for what happened between me and Nick since he didn't say anything when I started talking.

"You guys were upset. I don't blame you. I just hope you don't get mad like that again," I replied. I then hugged each of them as well as Casey and April, since they helped calm things down, before they started talking again.

"You've got a heart of gold," Leo said with his calm-like smile.

"You are way too forgiving dudette," Mikey teased.

"Way too sweet," Don said while rolling his eyes at me.

"We don't deserve you," Raph said quietly.

"You guys are sweet. But you got something wrong. I'm the one who doesn't deserve you," The guys didn't stop smiling for the rest of the day after I said that.

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