Masks and Mystery Boys

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This is a continuation of the last chapter except it has been a week and it's saturday night - costume party time! Disclaimer: I only own Emma and most of my plot. It has some borrowed ideas from other stories. I own nothing else.

Emma's POV

I didn't know if the boys would like the masks I'd made them. See, the boys couldn't go like themselves entirely because they had to look like they were wearing costumes. So I'd made them masks that went over their heads entirely and looked like them. At least, I had tried to. I'd also gotten long zippers and glued them to the front of the shells. The glue would last 24 hours, plenty of time to go to the party and come back. But I didn't know if the boys would like their masks so I was nervous about giving them the masks. "I know they aren't perfect, but they were the best I could do," I said as I gave them the masks. Their responses made me feel a lot better about the masks. "Are you kidding?

These are great!" said Leo as he put his on. "Very nice. And you made them all by yourself," when I nodded, Donnie looked at it with amazement before putting it on and adding," Incredible!" "Gotta say, kid, you did good," Raph said as he put his on. My brother didn't really give compliments much. But he always had something good to say when it came to me and my art. "Totally cowabunga material, dudette!" Mikey said as he put his on. (The head masks that Emma made isn't the one used in the 2007 movie when Mikey was 'Cowabunga Carl'. "If she doesn't consider these perfect, then what is perfect to her?" I heard April ask Master Splinter. He responded by saying," Even I do not know." I then realized I needed to get ready. April had picked out my costume and wouldn't tell me what it was. We headed to my bedroom and she showed me my costume.

I stared at it in amazement. "April, I love it!," I said as I put it on. She chuckled and said, "I only hope Master Splinter and your brothers will let you go to a party with cute teenage boys wearing it." I froze. Cute teenage boys? I was barely able to talk to Casey and April when I met them. How am I supposed to talk to cute boys. (No offense to Casey. He is cute but I know he and April like each other). I thought. I guess April knew I was getting nervous because she smiled encouragingly. "Don't worry, Emma. It'll be fun," She said as she helped me with my hair. I thought about it before telling her why I was nervous. "But I've never been to a human party before. And, besides you and Casey, I've haven't talked to a human being in 8 years. Unless you count ordering pizza on the phone," April then got out some weird stuff that she had said earlier was make up. I knew what it was but didm't know how to use it. "You'll be fine. Just pretend you're talking to me or Casey. Unless it's a cute boy. Then you need to talk to him about stuff that interests both of you. Which mascara do you want to use?" I stared at her blankly before replying. "April? I've been in the sewers for 8 years and I don't have a mother. You really think I know anything about make up?" She kind of looked sheepish before jotting down notes and instructions so I could do it on my own later. She did it for me tonight and I don't know what I think of it. My eyelashes look longer with the "mascara". My skin has a blush to it and my lips look darker. She put black "eye shadow" on me and it looks pretty cool. But it was my hair that I loved the most. I hadn't had a chance to look at it earlier but I loved it. "I love it," I told April and we put the finishing touches on her costume. When we were finished, we looked pretty good. "Let's knock the boys dead," April said and I laughed and nodded my head, eager to see my brother's and Casey's reactions.

Raph's POV

Me, my bros, Masta' Splinter, and Casey were hanging out, waiting for the girls to finish getting ready. Casey was going to be going as himself in his vigilante suit. He apparently goes around with base balls bats, golf clubs and hockey sticks and tries to help people. I gotta admit that it's pretty cool. Sensei said that we might get to start doing nighttime patrols. Then the girls came out of Em's room and walked down the steps while we all gaped at her. All I gotta say is me and my bros aren't letting Em out of our sight for even a second at that party. Not when boys her age are gonna be there. Em had on a black ninja costume that covered her arms and legs completely. It had a belt that held her kusarigamas and her cell phone that Donnie made her so we could keep in touch with her in case we got separated or somethin'. She had some black combat boots and some fingerless gloves that matched the leather used for the suit. The only problem with t was that it was tight. Really tight. Like it was showing off her figure and stuff. April had a black cat costume. It looked like Em's but it had a tail attached to it. She wore gloves with fake claws glued to it and wore flats instead of boots. She had a headband with cat ears on it on ands had painted whiskers and a cat nose onto her face. She looked alright and I can tell Casey thought she looked hot. He has it bad for her. Em said April has it bad too, but me and my bros can't tell. "Well, what do you think?" Em asked us. She looked a bit nervous so I guess she thought she looked bad or somethin'. Me and my bros pretty much rushed to reassure her. "You look great," Leo said. "Amazing," Don said. "Cowabunga material, sis," Mikey said. "Ya' look good, kid," I said. She seemed to believe us and relaxed a bit. Then April tood us it was time to go and we headed out to the party.

Emma's POV

It's been a long time since I left the streets of New York to live with Master Splinter and my brothers. 8 years to be exact. When we left the sewers into the exact alley my dad had left me in, I was stunned by all the changes. I went to the edge of the alley and looked at the streets in wonder. Everything was so beautiful and amazing. "You five are acting like this is your first time out of the sewers," Casey said. We all gave him fake glares before I decided to clue him in. "This is our first time. Well, for my brothers it is. I haven't been up here in 8 years," Casey looked kind of sheepish for not knowing this after I said that. We all laughed at him then went to the apartment building the party was in. April's cousin Johnny answered the door and let us in, staring at all of us but me in particular. It seems his parents are out for the weekend and Johnny apparently likes dressing up, so he decided to have a costume party. We were the last ones to arrive so everyone stared at us when we came in. A group of boys immediately surrounded me and separated me from the others while bombarding me with questions. It went like this: Boy 1: "You go to a school 'round here?" Me: "No, I-" Boy 2: " Have a boyfriend?" Me: "No, I-" But every time a boy asked me something and I tried to answer, another one would cut me off. They started to get even crazier after the boyfriend question and my head was spinning until Casey and April came to my rescue. They had gotten the DJ's mikes, with Johnny's help I guess, and spoke loud enough for all the boys to hear. "Boys! Leave our friend Emma alone!" April said. "Yeah, before her four older brothers teach ya not to mess with their only little sister!" yelled Casey. The boys immediately all apologized and disbanded. I went to my brothers and tried not to look totally freaked out. They were all shooting dirty looks at the boys who were trying to ignore them. We all caught up with Casey and April, who'd given back the mikes, and we grabbed one of the tables set up at the edges of the giant living room. We all had fun and even danced a little. During the slow dances, my brothers would take turns dancing with me. I think they just wanted to keep the other boys away, but that's fine. I like spending time with them. April and Casey danced a slow dance after I gave them some, um, encouragement. Ok, I pushed them onto the dance floor, but they'll thank me later. They danced and I could see they were talking about something. When it came time for the dip, Casey leaned in and kissed April. It was so romantic!

When they came back, I decided to tease them a bit. "I didn't know kissing was part of the dance, hockey puck," I said to Casey, who had know idea why I'd just called him hockey puck. "One, it's not. Two, what's with hockey puck?" Casey asked. I rolled my eyes before telling him. "Well, you have a hockey mask and a hockey stick for your vigilante costume but you're missing a hockey puck. Now back to the kiss thing," I demanded.April and Casey groaned while my brothers laughed into their hands, at how annoying I was being I guess. "Well, Casey asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes, so...." April trailed off while blushing like crazy. I went 'aww' before getting out of my seat and grabbing Casey. I then pulled him away despite his protests. When we were far enough away from the others and I knew they wouldn't follow us. (I'd told my brothers that if Casey and April ever did become a thing, I'd drag him away to talk to him about how he should treat my best friend. They agreed to keep April from coming after us and would tell her what I was doing). "Alright, Jones. I'm happy for you and April but I have a warning for ya," Casey seemed to be paying attention so I continued. "If you hurt her in any way, and I mean any way, then I will make you pay. I think of you as one of my best friends, but that won't matter if you hurt her, got it?" Casey seemed pretty scared and nodded, shaking a little. I probably went too far, but I needed to do this. We went back to the table and the others noticed how pale and shaky he was. April wasn't very happy about that. "What did you do to him?" April asked when Casey went to get us some drinks (drinks as in soda, not vodka or anything like that). I shrugged before saying," All I did was talk to him. Although I might've gone too far." "You think?" April said sarcastically. "Look, he'll be fine. I promise," I replied. Casey was in fact fine when we decided to call it a night. But as we were leaving, I bumped into this super cute guy. He had blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Sorry," I said. He looked at me before smiling and saying," No prob. Here," he gave me a piece of paper before going back to his friends. We then left and headed home. On the way home, I got really tired. I guess I was swaying or something because Leo picked me up and carried me all the way home. When we got there, I was pretty much asleep so Leo laid me on the couch while the others said good bye to April and Casey. Master Splinter had already been asleep when we got home so when April and Casey left, my brothers headed towards their bedrooms. Before they climbed the stairs, and before I fell asleep, I said," Love you guys. Goodnight." They all said goodnight to me in different but similar ways. "Goodnight, sis," said Leo. "Pleasant dreams, Em," Donnie. "Catch some z's, dudette," said Mikey. " 'Night, kid," said Raph. Then they all went to bed. And so did I.

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