Family and Phone Calls

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So, after this, there'll be less than 10 chapters left. Story coming to an end. Sorry if you hated it and thank you if you liked it.

Emma: Aww. I like it.

Kitkat (me): Thanks. Disclaimer?

Emma: Sure thing.

Disclaimer: Don't own TMNT. Sorry.

  Previously: Alex stared at the turtles, humongous in size, the rat, not as large, but larger than normal, and two teens a little older than him, one of them was the April girl. (Who, is you all recall, he met briefly when Emma and him were at the park the second time). He had no idea what to say, which was good, as his girlfriend had just told him not to say anything.

  Speaking of Emma, she was searching nervously between her family and Alex, waiting for an explosion. She immediately knew Alex was freaked out, but was going to try not to react as she had asked, which was a good sign.

  The boys, who were furious when Leo told them about Emma bringing someone, were waiting for a freak out. Where was it? Where were the insults, the picture taking for evidence, the calling 911, the 'driven to insanity' bit, everything a shocked and normal person should have done?

  Raph was the only brother who remained calm throughout all of this. He knew that Emma thought Alex was someone to be trusted. Therefore, that meant the family should trust them too. After all, Emma would never give up their secret so willingly unless she thought it was safe.

            Alex's POV

  I didn't know what to think as I looked at Emma' Emma put her hand on my shoulder and smiled encouragingly.

  "Um, it's nice to meet you," I said before sticking my hand out. The rat-man shook my hand firmly.

  "And it is a pleasure to meet you as well. I am Master Splinter, and these are my sons, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. And these are our dear friends, Casey Jones and April O'Neil," Master Splinter replied. I nodded slowly and smiled at everyone shyly.

  "So you're the guy Emma's been going on about so much," Casey pointed out. I turned to Emma, smirking. She blushed and ducked her head. April hit Casey's arm.

  "I do not!" Emma huffed. Then, Raphael I think, came and patted her head while rolling his eyes.

  "Sorry, but ya do. Call me Raph," 'Raph' said, looking at me. I nodded again. The other three turtles came up and stared at me for a second before the one in the orange mask, Michelangelo, smiled.

  "Dude, I go by Mikey. Wanna play video games?" 'Mikey asked excitedly. Emma groaned and I laughed at her antics.

  "What, jealous?" I asked playfully. Emma glared at me and stuck out her tongue. I laughed again. "And sure. What games do you have?" I asked.

  "Only the best ever. Zombie Apocalypse 5, Alien Turmoil, Smash Supreme," Mikey kept listing all these games.

  "Did you ever think maybe he wanted to do something smart?" Donatello asked. Emma groaned and sighed. I smiled at her.

  "Don, why don't you just go on your computer and leave him alone?" Raph asked. Don huffed. I suppressed a grin. Leonardo continued to glare at me and I didn't know why.

  "Hey, want to see the training room?" Emma asked. I nodded but Leonardo apparently didn't like the idea.

  "No! Em, how can you trust him?!" Leonardo asked. Em glared at him and everyone else backed away.

  "Leo, why I trust him is my business, not yours. And why should it matter? I would think that you would at least trust me to make a good decision," Emma fired back. Leo grumbled then headed to a different room. Master Splinter looked at me for a second.

  "You are welcome in our home anytime, Alexander. If you will all excuse me," and with that, he was gone. Raph and Don went to the kitchen while Casey and April headed to the couch with Mikey. Emma grabbed my hand and took me upstairs, into her room and left the door open a crack.

  "I'm sorry about him. But thanks for taking everything so well," Emma said. I smiled and pulled her close.

  "Of course. They're your family. Wait until you meet mine," I replied. Emma laughed as she put her arms around my neck. I leaned in and gently kissed her.

  We stayed like that for a few moments before breaking apart. I smiled at her and she blushed. I smirked.

  "Emerald, as much as I love watching you blush, want to explain how your family wound up, uh, looking like four turtles and a rat?" I asked. Emma blushed more before nodding and leading me to her bed. We both sat down and she started the story, about mutagen and japan and Shredder. "Wow," I said when she was done.

  "Yeah, I know it's-" Emma was cut off by her phone ringing. "One second." I nodded. And she stood up and answered.

  "Hello? Who is this?" Emma's face immediately paled when she heard whoever's answer.

  " did you....I mean-" Emma was seemingly cut off and looked close to tears. I stood up and put a hand on her shoulder. Then I heard the phone beep and Emma put it up.

  "Who was that, Emerald?" I asked gently. She burst into tears and I wrapped her up into my arms.

  "M-my d-da-ad!"

A/N: Didn't see that coming, did you?

Emma: What? How? Why? When?

Kitkat: Calm down. It'll be revealed soon. And Leo will become less of a jerkface for all you Leo lovers.

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