Doors and Buttons

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This is the last time I kill the main OC. 

Emma: . Wait, I'm dead?!?How am I here?

Me: You're dead in the story. Not in the Author's Note.

Emma: Why'd you kill me?!

Me: For like, two chapters! Disclaimer!

Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT and Emma will be fine. *Hint, HINT!*

Emma's POV

I opened my eyes and had to blink a couple of times, it was so bright. Memories overcame me, and I glanced down, only to see no wound. And my outfit had changed into the outfit I'd worn when I first met Alex. I smiled softly before I looked around.

It was a room where the ceiling, walls, and floor were all white. There were two doors standing right next to each other, one green, the other yellow.

There was nothing except me, the doors, and a table with a wooden box on top in the room. I walked over the box and opened it. A remote with two buttons, one yellow, the other one green it's only features. I clicked the yellow, and the yellow door swung open.

A figure came through it, wearing a beautiful pink halter-style dress, and she had luxurious chestnut-brown hair tied back in a messy ponytail. I'd seen her before, in a picture. But what...?

Mom. My mother. That was her. Helen Marie Andrews.

I'd seen her face, smiling, with those shining eyes in a wedding photo that Dad had kept on his dresser. She'd looked amazing. And here she was, standing right before me. She wrapped her arms around me, and on impulse, I hugged back.

"My darling girl. I watched. I watched you grow all these years. Tyler......he changed. He was a wonderful man when we met.....but now...."

"What's going on?" I asked. She smiled sadly before pulling away and looking me over.

"I've dreamed of the day when we would be reunited once more. But it's too soon. You're too young."

"Well, I'm dead. Right?" I asked, just to clarify things. SHe shook her head. Then she pointed at the remote, which was still in my hand.

"You're at a crossroads. I represent the yellow door, better known as _ (I don't want to offend anyone. So fill in the blank with Heaven, afterlife, death, or whatever you believe comes when you die. Okay? Okay.) The green door is life. Life with Master Splinter, your brothers, your friends....Alex." When my mom said that, I blushed a little.

"So, wait. I can choose to live? Be alive again?" She nodded.

"But that means you will have to wait until it's your ACTUAL time before seeing me. And no more heroics and sacrifices, understand?" She pretended to be stern, but I knew this hurt her as much as it hurt me.

I hugged her once more, the last time I would hug her for many years to come. Then i pressed the green button. And I breathed once more.

A/N: Cliffhanger! You guys probably hate me, but I promise, like 2 more chapters, and then you can be done with me forever if you want.

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