April and Sleepovers part 4

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I am so sorry I haven't updated. I'm getting reading glasses and things have been hectic. BTW, thanks for helping me out in the last chapter, Leo.

Leo: No problem. Just try not to let Sensei be too upset, please?

Kitkat: I'll try. Ok, Donnie, please do the disclaimer.

Donnie: Alright.

Disclaimer: Kitkat does not own TMNT. She only owns her plot and OC's.

      Emma's POV

 "Alright, get it over with," I said, anticipating April's questions about Alex.

 "What ever do you mean?" April replied, faking innocence. I just looked at her and she shrugged. Before she could ask, I spoke again.

"Truth," I said, knowing it was better to get it over with. April nodded.

"Tell me everything Alex related." Wow, right to the point. Typical April. I told her how I met him, how I had gone to the park because I wanted to see him, and how I was sort of excited about the idea of seeing him again.

April squealed and was practically gushing. I just blushed while she did a silly dance.

"I was right, I was right, I was RIGHT!!!" April yelled. I just shook my head. Then I decided I needed to see how Leo was doing.

"Alright, alright. I'm gonna get some water, ok?" April nodded, and I went downstairs.

Once down, I went to the kitchen. I listened as Sensei lectured the boys about honesty and disobedience. And how he expected more from Leo. I winced, mostly because I knew Leo hated disappointing Sensei. When the boys came out with the door slamming behind me, they looked downhearted.

"Hey," I said, making my presence known to them. They looked at me with shock, then looked at my bedroom door, then back at me. I chuckled softly.

"I managed to escape the boy-crazy devil we know as April," I explained, trying to lift the mood. It didn't work.

"Dudette, go back to your sleepover. Wouldn't want us to ruin it more, would ya?" Mikey said, shocking me. Ruin it more?

"You didn't ruin it. How could you have?" I asked. Raph looked at me with surprise.

"We embarrassed you," Donnie said. I guess I still looked confused because Leo explained it.

"We got in trouble because of truth or dare, we crashed your sleepover, and we overreacted to the whole 'Alex' thing."

"So? I don't care about that. All I care about is the fact that you guys are upset, which upsets me. Please don't feel bad," I said this while giving them my famous puppy-dog eyes. They looked almost ready to give in, but not quite.

"Pwetty pwease? For me?" I said pouting my lip and clasping my hands. That did it for them. They were putty in my hands.

"Whatever you say," Leo replied.

"Sure thing, dudette," Mikey said.

"Of course," Donnie answered.

"We are never not gonna be immune to that, are we?" Raph asked. I shook my head. He sighed before ruffling my hair. Then he got me in a headlock.

"Hey, stop it," I said, trying to get out of his iron-grip. The other guys just watched with smiles.

"Who's gonna make me? Huh? Who?" Raph said. I was almost out when Raph swept my feet from under me and I fell as he released me. I rubbed my head and glared at him.

"Meanie," I said, pouting. Raph laughed and put his hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"As touching as this is, I'd like to get my friend back, please," April said. We all turned and saw her on the staircase. I said goodnight to the guys and went back to my room, where April and I spent the rest of the night looking at magazines and talking.

A/N And.....updated!

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