Depression and Apologies

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I totally meant to update but I forgot about it completely. I just never got around to writing it. My birthday just passed and I was busy with that. Oh, I might as well just say it! Truth is, I have major writers block. I don't know what to write, so this chapter will be short. If you have any ideas, please help me. On another note, thank my friend Jade for this update. She is standing right next to me, making me write.


Katie: Ok! *shaking in fear* this chapter is on how Emma went through a slight depression and her brothers thoughts on it. Now, I better start writing before Jade glues my hands to the keyboard. 

Emma's POV

I have to admit, I've been really down since Nick broke up with me. I can't explain it. I can't really feel happy, knowing that Nick did that to me. I know it's insane to go on about a boy, but he was special to me. And I thought I was special to him. The boys have been really nice to me as well as Casey and April so that's helped. I just want to forget about him and get on with my life.

Leo's POV

I'm worried about Emma. She has been acting really upset for a while now. Nick cheating must be hurting her more than we know. I just wish I knew what to do. Raph, Don, Mikey and I have tried distracting her, but nothing works. The sooner she gets over this, the happier we will all be.

Raph's POV

I can't stop freaking out about Emma. All she does is mope around or lock herself in her bedroom. She hardly ever smiles anymore. I feel useless, something I hate feeling, because I can't do nothing about it. If she doesn't feel better soon, Nick is gonna pay for this. No one hurts my little sister and gets away with it. No one.

Don's POV

I fear Emma is going through depression. She wears black more, hardly smiles, doesn't talk much, and rarely remembers to eat. I just want her back to the way she was. She's what keeps this family together. She breaks up the really bad fights, always does what we want, puts our safety and/or comfort before hers, it's amazing. I think she's a wonderful person, but because of this, she may never see it herself. Nick is so going to get it.

Mikey's POV

Dude, Nick is so dead. My little dudette sister is totally bummed by this. He was her first boyfriend and he was with another chick. So not cool. That and I feel bad about how me and my bros reacted. Raph was actually the only one NOT to yell. April and Casey were right. We made it out to be her fault when she was already hurting. I don't know what came over us. But I do know we will make it up to her. And we'll see her smiling face again.

A/N I know this is really sad, but it'll get better. Promise.

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