Texts and Hatches

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 Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT. I only wishes I did.

            Emma's POV

  After talking to Alex for a little while longer, I told him I had to go home or I'd be late for curfew. I didn't really have one since Sensei trust me more than the boys, though they aren't supposed to know that, but I needed to think. He let me go hesitantly and then I started my walk back through the sewers. I slipped in and headed towards my room. As I closed the door, I noticed a certain red-banded brother of mine in my chair.

  "Raph? What's up?" I asked nervously. I didn't think he'd spy on me, I mean he trusted me, but I could never tell with him. Raph crossed his arms and glared at me.

  "Did ya go to meet that Alex boy again? 'Cause if ya did, I'm pretty sure it means you're dating," Raph replied. I looked at him before putting my jacket in my closet.

  "Raph, you're paranoid. I've already told you, whenever I go to meet Alex, it's just as friends," I replied, making sure my voice didn't shake. I couldn't tell him or the others. Not yet. And how would I tell Alex? Could I even tell him or would I keep saying that he couldn't meet them because I was embarrassed or something.

  "Uh-huh. And that's why ya and lover boy were making out in the park, is it?" Raph asked, making me stiffen and blush. I refused to look at him, even though he'd gotten up and was right by the closet door, where I still stood.

  "You were watching me. Pretty sure that's an invasion of privacy," I replied coolly. I was furious. How much had he seen? That was something special, between Alex and I, no one else (besides the lady, who sort of played a part in them agreeing to be girlfriend/boyfriend).

  "I only saw the kiss after ya agreed to be his girlfriend and then I left. Nuthin else," Raph protested. I sighed then looked at him. He was frowning, but his eyes told me he was scared I was mad.

  "Who all did you tell?" I asked, not ready to let him off the hook just yet. Raph rolled his eyes and crossed his arms once more.

  "I ain't stupid. I didn't tell anybody and I won't unless ya want me to."

  "Not yet. Not until I figure out how it's going to work with him not being able to meet you guys," I replied. Raph glared at me.

  "Embarrassed of us 'cause we're not like ya?" Raph growled. I gasped and hit his arm. Raph rubbed the sore spot as I began to speak.

  "Of course not. I just don't how he'll take it or if we can trust him. April and Casey, we didn't really have a choice. I'm not telling Alex until I know he won't tell anyone," I said. I then flopped onto my bed and looked at the ceiling. I smiled softly as I began to think of Alex. Raph sat next to me.

  "Ya really like this boy, don't ya?" Raph asked. I nodded, but I knew that wasn't what he was really asking. He was asking if I liked him like I had liked Nick, and whether or not this was going to end badly. I looked up at Raph.

"Raph, I don't know if this is going to last, or how it's going to work, but I do know I'm happy. Can I just....enjoy that for the time being? Please?" I asked. Raph smiled and nodded. He kissed my forehead before getting up and leaving. I would've spent the rest of the night daydreaming, but just then, I got a text from Alex.

  Hey Emerald. I know its late but meet me upside. Plse and thx.

  I thought nothing of it and it wasn't until I was opening the hatch that I thought of something. He said upside, but he couldn't have meant upside like above street level. I'd never once mentioned where I lived. Then I saw him.

  "Hope you aren't mad, but a couple of weeks ago, there was a pretty bad storm starting when we met up so we had to leave, remember?" Alex started. I nodded hesitantly. "Well, you wouldn't let me take you to your house, but I got worried about you. So I followed you to make sure you got home safe. I was thinking that maybe you'd tell me eventually, but now...*sighs*...Emma, why are you living in the sewers?"

  I froze. How was I supposed to answer that? We just stood across from each other on the sidewalk (I'd come up from a street sewer), me with eyes wide and Alex with his arms crossed. I decided to tell him the truth. If he believed me, great. If not, he couldn't tell anyone without sounding insane.

  "Eight years ago, my father abandoned me in an alley. His name is Tyler Andrews. A kid and his three brothers found me and took me to the sewers, where they lived with their adopted father. He took me in. We aren't rich and we're not exactly people New York wants to meet, but we're happy. And.....I don't go to school because everyone assumed that I died when I was 8. You don't have to believe me. Not a lot of people do," I explained. I turned to walk away, but Alex grabbed my arm and pulled me close.

  "I know there's a little more to it than that, especially when you say 'not exactly people New York wants to meet', but I'm glad you told me what you did. I know it's the truth. Just.....no more secrets, ok?" Alex asked. I looked at him and nodded. Then I felt my phone vibrate.

  "Um, one second please. Hello?" I answered. It was Leo.

  "Where are you? We're all worried sick!" Leo yelled, loud enough that it was like he was on speaker phone. Oh wait. I turned him off of speaker.

  "Just next to hatch by the street. I'm coming down in like five minutes. With a guest," I said, kind of unsure. I looked to Alex to see if it was alright. He nodded.

  "A guest?! What do you mean guest?!" Leo yelled. I sighed. I looked to Alex and mouthed the words 'Can you keep a government can't know about this secret?' He looked confused, but nodded.

  "Leo, we can trust him," I realized my mistake of saying the word 'him'. Leo went on and on so I finally hung up. "Alright, Alex, you wanted to know more about me, so...come on!"

  We went down and walked through the sewers for a while. I pulled the lever, but just before I did, I warned Alex.

  "Only two people know about this besides me. What you'll see, if they let you, is seemingly impossible and hard to explain. It's.....not average New York. You can't freak out, scream or yell, insult them or anything unless I say it's alright, ok?" I asked. Alex nodded solemnly. We entered, where the boys, Sensei, and surprisingly, April and Casey waited for us.


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