Mornings and Conversations

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Emma's dad got her phone number because he called in a favor to some CIA buddy of his (he is a lawyer, remember?) to track down Emma. For what reason? Well, you'll have to read to find out.

Disclaimer: Don't own TMNT. Wanna, but don't.

Phone Call from Emma's POV

"Hello? Who is this?" I answered. I heard a voice, raspy and slurred with alcohol that I'd hoped never to hear again. My father's.

"It's me, ya little brat," He growled. I gulped and felt my face pale.

" did you......I mean-" He cut me off. Alex came up and put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"Doesn't matter. I have a message for you and those stupid turtles. Shredder wants all of you. And i'm going to help him." Then the line when dead.

"Who was that, Emerald?" Alex asked. I burst into tears and he hugged me.

"M-my d-da-ad!" I cried. I felt Alex tense up as I continued to sob. He held me for a while until he reluctantly told me he had to go home or he'd be grounded. I watched Alex leave before crying myself to sleep.

Next Day:

I got up and went down for breakfast. The boys were at the table, but Sensei wasn't up yet. I got my cereal before sitting between Raph and Mikey. Across from us were Don and Leo, who refused to look at me, which suited me just fine.

"Morning sis. What's up?" Mikey asked. I shrugged, trying to avoid eye contact. It didn't work, since my brothers know me way too well.

Raph put his hands on my shoulders, Mikey grabbed my hands, and Donnie got up and lifted my head, making my tear-streaked face visible and my red-rimmed eyes. They let go of me and all began asking me what was wrong. I told them about the phone call.

When I does, they looked, well, furious.

"When did your father start working for Shredder?" Leo asked, talking for the first time that morning.

"I don't know. He just said he'd make sure to get you guys. Well, technically, he said 'all of you'," I replied quietly. Sensei came in suddenly, livid. I took it that he'd heard the conversation we'd all just had.

"Emma, you are not to go topside until this threat is taken care of," Sensei announced. I gasped.

"But-" He gave me that look that made me be quiet. "Fine."

"Sorry, dudette. Wanna play video games?" Mikey asked hesitantly. I smiled weakly and nodded. We got settled on the couch and started the game up. As we played, the others came and sat by us, cheering us on. Leo was on Mikey's side, obviously, while Don and Raph were on mine. I traded off with Raph after a while and sat besides Leo.

"I know you probably hate me, and I get why. I revealed the secret. But April and Casey know, so I didn't see a problem with it. Sorry if that upsets you," I told Leo. The others were too obsessed with their game to hear us. Leo sighed before talking.

"I can't hate you, not ever, no matter what. I just......don't want anything to happen. To us...or you. Especially with your dad being involved with Shredder now," Leo replied. I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Don't worry. I'd never let anything happen to you guys, and you'd never let anything happen to me. So are we ok?" I asked. He nodded and dramatically sighed in relief. Leo rolled his eyes, but smiled. Suddenly, the TV went static-y and then Shredder's face appeared. We all glared at the TV.

"It is I, Shredder. I am here to tell you that if you surrender to me, then I shall make you turtles, the rat, and the girl's end swift. If not, well, then you shall be begging me for mercy!"

With that, the TV went blank. Me and the boys all looked at each other before shouting:


A/N: Short, but the end is near.

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