Parks and Headphones

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I have been very busy over the holidays. Please forgive me for not writing sooner. Please review and give me your opinions. I value what my readers have to say.

Disclaimer: I own my OC's and some ideas from other writers. But I do not own TMNT. I wish I did.

Emma's POV

I decided to go on a walk to clear my head. It had been a month since the 'Nick Incident' and I was feeling a little better. The boys had been nothing but nice to me and I really appreciated it. I know it hasn't been easy on them, seeing me all depressed, so I'm trying. I'm trying to stop feeling sorry for myself and move on. I think it's working.

I look around. I'm in apart not far from home and I can see it's fairly new. Trees are all recently planted, loads of flowers, and new sidewalks. I sit on a bench and think about how life has changed.

I'm no longer with my father. He probably thinks I'm dead. If he's still alive. I'm living in the sewers with a mutated rat for a father/sensei, and four mutated turtles for brothers. Casey and April are great friends to us and have even gotten some lessons from Sensei. They haven't gone on any patrols with us yet. But they might soon, if they keep improving.

I hear a sound. Footsteps. I look around but don't see anything. I then notice someone walking towards me. A boy. He looks roughly around my age. The boy has brown hair and blue eyes, something I notice as he gets closer to the bench. He's got green headphones on so I think he's not paying attention to anything except the music or whatever he's listening to. He's wearing a white T-shirt with a black army jacket, jeans, and black tennis shoes.

He trips on a rock and I try to get to him before he falls, but I'm too late. He lands on his face, his headphones flying elsewhere.

"Ow, my head," the boy said. I leaned over and offered my hand. He looks startled. I guess he didn't know I was there. When he just stares at my hand, I sigh.

"Do you want help up or not?" I ask. He hastily grabs my hand and I pull him up. When he lets go, I look closely at him. He has a scratch on his forehead that's bleeding. It's probably not too bad now, but it could be if it gets infected.

"That cuts not too bad, but you should get it cleaned up and bandaged before it gets infected," I said. He looks startled, as if not realizing he was bleeding.

I pull out the mini emergency medical kit Donnie makes me carry around and get a towel and some antibiotic spray.

"Sit down and I'll clean it up," I commanded. He sat obediently and I got to work. I wiped off the blood and told him I had to spray his forehead so it wouldn't get worse.

"This might sting a little," I added, feeling a little guilty that it would hurt him.

"That's fine. I'm a tough guy," The boy (I really need to find out his name) smirked. I smiled a little before spraying him. He winced, but other than that, he was fine.

"Thanks, um....what's your name?" He blushed a little when he asked. I think I did too, although I don't know why.

"Emma. What's yours?" I asked.

"Alexander. But you can call me Alex," Alex said.

"Well, nice meeting you, but I have to get home. My brothers will start to worry," I said, about to leave.

"Wait, will I ever see you again? You seem pretty cool," Alex said. I could almost have sworn he smirked when I blushed a little.

"Maybe. I like this park so I might come by again," I said, hoping he'd get the hint. I think he did 'cause he smiled.

"Cool. Hope to see you around," Then he got his headphones and left. I smiled before heading home.

My only thought on the way home was whether I'd see him and his smile again.

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