April and Sleepovers: Part 2

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Emma's POV

April looked at me expectantly, wanting me to answer. I thought about it.

"Dare." Judging from her disappointed face, I guess she wanted me to say truth. April thought about it for a moment.

"I dare you to ask the boys to play truth or dare with us," April said. I frowned. The boys would be all over me about Alex. I didn't really want to go into that. But a dare is a dare.

"Fine," I stand up and exit my room. I walk downstairs, where the boys are currently setting up a video game. I clear my throat to get their attention.

"April and I are playing truth or dare and she dared me to ask if you guys want to play," I said.

"Do you want us to?" Leo asked. 'NO' a voice in my head cried. But I decided to ignore that voice.

"Sure. Just as long as someone doesn't make me do something that gives me the flu. Again," I glared at Mikey as I said that. He laughed sheepishly.

"I won't, dudette. Promise," Mikey said, putting his hand over his heart. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Well, I guess I'll play. Guys?" Leo asked. Raph and Donnie exchanged looks and nodded. So did Mikey.

"Come on, then. Let's play," I replied. They all followed me into my room. April had changed into her pajamas while I was gone. She wore a yellow nightgown with a white heart pattern. I excused myself to go change in my closet. When I came out, I was wearing black and green plaid pajama pants and a black tank top. The tanktop exposed the scars on my shoulders and around my neck.

April and the guys gaped at my scars. Leo was the first to come out of his daze.

"Your turn, since you were the one dared, right?" Leo asked. I nodded and sat down between him and Raph. I looked for my first victim.

"Dr. D, truth or dare?" I asked, using the nickname I hadn't used for years. April laughed at this. Donnie blushed before stuttering an answer.

"D-dare." I smiled evilly, making Donnie gulp in fear. I love it when I'm the one in charge.

"I dare you to go the rest of the game without saying anything computer or history related," I said. Donnie gasped, Leo looked at me in shock, April giggled, and Raph raised an eyebrow.

"Good one, dudette! High three!" Mikey yelled. I put my fingers together and high-three'd him.

"Your turn," I said. Donnie glared at me and I stuck my tongue out playfully. Leo shook his head in mock disappointment while Raph ruffled my hair.

"Leo, truth or dare?" Donnie asked. Leo replied without hesitation.

"Truth," Leo replied. Donnie looked at us, his eyes begging us for help. I sighed and said something in sign language. See, Donnie and I had decided we wanted our own secret language, like the made up one Mikey and I had come with. But we wanted it to be real and something no one in our families would ever know. So we chose to learn sign language.

"Great idea, Em!" exclaimed Donnie. April looked at us confused.

"Stop signing. You know we hate it when you speak in sign language," Leo whined, annoyed. Donnie and I smirked.

"We know. Donnie, ask him," I said. Donnie grinned and turned to Leo, who leaned back, a little fearfully.

"What was the worse thing you ever did that Sensei doesn't know about?"

A/N I'm probably gonna have two more chapters on this. Then we will get to fighting, and then maybe some Alex chapters. Hehe.

Emma: I'm doomed, aren't I.

The Boys: He's dead.

Emma: Yep, I'm doomed.

Me: Yeah, I'm sorry. But the boys have minds of their owns, and I can't help how they react to boys.

Emma: *Starts to cry. I walk over and comfort her*

Me: While I talk to Emma, prepare yourself, Leo fans.

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